Information, moderation, and general utility bot for the FlagBrew Discord server
- noirscape - Writing secure_role_mention and ban fixes
- piepie62 - Many FAQ updates
- SpiredMoth - Release aliases and beginnings of README command
- FM1337 - Writing CoreAPI, which lets the pkhex module run
- kwsch - Writing PKHeX.Core, which made the pkhex module possible in the first place
- architdate - Writing Auto Legality Mod, which was also integral for the pkhex module
- JeffPaine - Writing an excellent gist for creating GitHub issues using the API
- chenzw, architdate, and Rapptz for edits to, and the base pyint module, respectively
### Credits for features that have since been deprecated
- chenzw, architdate, and Rapptz for the deprecated starboard module
- msikma - For their pokesprite repository, which was utilized as part of gpssfetch