A module to save settings data, it has a fair bit of configurability, but it's intended usage is very simple:
npm install crypto-settings
var settings = require("crypto-settings")(/* optional options object goes here */);
//make use of any settings required.
Command line to start.
app.js -pass myPasswordWithNoSpaces -print -edit
If used in this fassion, a password can be specified on the command line (providing it has no spaces) in the format -pass
Adding the flag -print will cause the settings object to be printed to the console on startup.
Adding the flag -edit will give a command line interface to allow editing of settings. The command line interface has access to a "settings" object. This will be automatically saved when the command line exits.
The settings object returned always has two methods (which should be treated as reserved words).
syncronously writes the data back to the file.
Does the same as if the user had used "-edit" flag, then triggers the callback once the user has finished editing settings.
Documentation needed.
Documentation needed.