No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 1.1.4
- Package version: 1.1.4
- Build package:
Put the package under your project folder in a directory named nomad_client
and add the following to Cargo.toml
under [dependencies]
nomad_client = { path = "./nomad_client" }
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ACLApi | delete_acl_policy | DELETE /acl/policy/{policyName} | |
ACLApi | delete_acl_token | DELETE /acl/token/{tokenAccessor} | |
ACLApi | get_acl_policies | GET /acl/policies | |
ACLApi | get_acl_policy | GET /acl/policy/{policyName} | |
ACLApi | get_acl_token | GET /acl/token/{tokenAccessor} | |
ACLApi | get_acl_token_self | GET /acl/token | |
ACLApi | get_acl_tokens | GET /acl/tokens | |
ACLApi | post_acl_bootstrap | POST /acl/bootstrap | |
ACLApi | post_acl_policy | POST /acl/policy/{policyName} | |
ACLApi | post_acl_token | POST /acl/token/{tokenAccessor} | |
ACLApi | post_acl_token_onetime | POST /acl/token/onetime | |
ACLApi | post_acl_token_onetime_exchange | POST /acl/token/onetime/exchange | |
AllocationsApi | get_allocation | GET /allocation/{allocID} | |
AllocationsApi | get_allocation_services | GET /allocation/{allocID}/services | |
AllocationsApi | get_allocations | GET /allocations | |
AllocationsApi | post_allocation_stop | POST /allocation/{allocID}/stop | |
DeploymentsApi | get_deployment | GET /deployment/{deploymentID} | |
DeploymentsApi | get_deployment_allocations | GET /deployment/allocations/{deploymentID} | |
DeploymentsApi | get_deployments | GET /deployments | |
DeploymentsApi | post_deployment_allocation_health | POST /deployment/allocation-health/{deploymentID} | |
DeploymentsApi | post_deployment_fail | POST /deployment/fail/{deploymentID} | |
DeploymentsApi | post_deployment_pause | POST /deployment/pause/{deploymentID} | |
DeploymentsApi | post_deployment_promote | POST /deployment/promote/{deploymentID} | |
DeploymentsApi | post_deployment_unblock | POST /deployment/unblock/{deploymentID} | |
EnterpriseApi | create_quota_spec | POST /quota | |
EnterpriseApi | delete_quota_spec | DELETE /quota/{specName} | |
EnterpriseApi | get_quota_spec | GET /quota/{specName} | |
EnterpriseApi | get_quotas | GET /quotas | |
EnterpriseApi | post_quota_spec | POST /quota/{specName} | |
EvaluationsApi | get_evaluation | GET /evaluation/{evalID} | |
EvaluationsApi | get_evaluation_allocations | GET /evaluation/{evalID}/allocations | |
EvaluationsApi | get_evaluations | GET /evaluations | |
JobsApi | delete_job | DELETE /job/{jobName} | |
JobsApi | get_job | GET /job/{jobName} | |
JobsApi | get_job_allocations | GET /job/{jobName}/allocations | |
JobsApi | get_job_deployment | GET /job/{jobName}/deployment | |
JobsApi | get_job_deployments | GET /job/{jobName}/deployments | |
JobsApi | get_job_evaluations | GET /job/{jobName}/evaluations | |
JobsApi | get_job_scale_status | GET /job/{jobName}/scale | |
JobsApi | get_job_summary | GET /job/{jobName}/summary | |
JobsApi | get_job_versions | GET /job/{jobName}/versions | |
JobsApi | get_jobs | GET /jobs | |
JobsApi | post_job | POST /job/{jobName} | |
JobsApi | post_job_dispatch | POST /job/{jobName}/dispatch | |
JobsApi | post_job_evaluate | POST /job/{jobName}/evaluate | |
JobsApi | post_job_parse | POST /jobs/parse | |
JobsApi | post_job_periodic_force | POST /job/{jobName}/periodic/force | |
JobsApi | post_job_plan | POST /job/{jobName}/plan | |
JobsApi | post_job_revert | POST /job/{jobName}/revert | |
JobsApi | post_job_scaling_request | POST /job/{jobName}/scale | |
JobsApi | post_job_stability | POST /job/{jobName}/stable | |
JobsApi | post_job_validate_request | POST /validate/job | |
JobsApi | register_job | POST /jobs | |
MetricsApi | get_metrics_summary | GET /metrics | |
NamespacesApi | create_namespace | POST /namespace | |
NamespacesApi | delete_namespace | DELETE /namespace/{namespaceName} | |
NamespacesApi | get_namespace | GET /namespace/{namespaceName} | |
NamespacesApi | get_namespaces | GET /namespaces | |
NamespacesApi | post_namespace | POST /namespace/{namespaceName} | |
NodesApi | get_node | GET /node/{nodeId} | |
NodesApi | get_node_allocations | GET /node/{nodeId}/allocations | |
NodesApi | get_nodes | GET /nodes | |
NodesApi | update_node_drain | POST /node/{nodeId}/drain | |
NodesApi | update_node_eligibility | POST /node/{nodeId}/eligibility | |
NodesApi | update_node_purge | POST /node/{nodeId}/purge | |
OperatorApi | delete_operator_raft_peer | DELETE /operator/raft/peer | |
OperatorApi | get_operator_autopilot_configuration | GET /operator/autopilot/configuration | |
OperatorApi | get_operator_autopilot_health | GET /operator/autopilot/health | |
OperatorApi | get_operator_raft_configuration | GET /operator/raft/configuration | |
OperatorApi | get_operator_scheduler_configuration | GET /operator/scheduler/configuration | |
OperatorApi | post_operator_scheduler_configuration | POST /operator/scheduler/configuration | |
OperatorApi | put_operator_autopilot_configuration | PUT /operator/autopilot/configuration | |
PluginsApi | get_plugin_csi | GET /plugin/csi/{pluginID} | |
PluginsApi | get_plugins | GET /plugins | |
RegionsApi | get_regions | GET /regions | |
ScalingApi | get_scaling_policies | GET /scaling/policies | |
ScalingApi | get_scaling_policy | GET /scaling/policy/{policyID} | |
SearchApi | get_fuzzy_search | POST /search/fuzzy | |
SearchApi | get_search | POST /search | |
StatusApi | get_status_leader | GET /status/leader | |
StatusApi | get_status_peers | GET /status/peers | |
SystemApi | put_system_gc | PUT /system/gc | |
SystemApi | put_system_reconcile_summaries | PUT /system/reconcile/summaries | |
VariablesApi | delete_variable | DELETE /var/{path} | |
VariablesApi | get_variable_query | GET /var/{path} | |
VariablesApi | get_variables_list_request | GET /vars | |
VariablesApi | post_variable | POST /var/{path} | |
VariablesApi | put_variable | PUT /var/{path} | |
VolumesApi | create_volume | POST /volume/csi/{volumeId}/{action} | |
VolumesApi | delete_snapshot | DELETE /volumes/snapshot | |
VolumesApi | delete_volume_registration | DELETE /volume/csi/{volumeId} | |
VolumesApi | detach_or_delete_volume | DELETE /volume/csi/{volumeId}/{action} | |
VolumesApi | get_external_volumes | GET /volumes/external | |
VolumesApi | get_snapshots | GET /volumes/snapshot | |
VolumesApi | get_volume | GET /volume/csi/{volumeId} | |
VolumesApi | get_volumes | GET /volumes | |
VolumesApi | post_snapshot | POST /volumes/snapshot | |
VolumesApi | post_volume | POST /volumes | |
VolumesApi | post_volume_registration | POST /volume/csi/{volumeId} |
- AclPolicy
- AclPolicyListStub
- AclToken
- AclTokenListStub
- AclTokenRoleLink
- Affinity
- AllocDeploymentStatus
- AllocStopResponse
- AllocatedCpuResources
- AllocatedDeviceResource
- AllocatedMemoryResources
- AllocatedResources
- AllocatedSharedResources
- AllocatedTaskResources
- Allocation
- AllocationListStub
- AllocationMetric
- Attribute
- AutopilotConfiguration
- ChangeScript
- CheckRestart
- Constraint
- Consul
- ConsulConnect
- ConsulExposeConfig
- ConsulExposePath
- ConsulGateway
- ConsulGatewayBindAddress
- ConsulGatewayProxy
- ConsulGatewayTlsConfig
- ConsulIngressConfigEntry
- ConsulIngressListener
- ConsulIngressService
- ConsulLinkedService
- ConsulMeshGateway
- ConsulProxy
- ConsulSidecarService
- ConsulTerminatingConfigEntry
- ConsulUpstream
- CsiControllerInfo
- CsiInfo
- CsiMountOptions
- CsiNodeInfo
- CsiPlugin
- CsiPluginListStub
- CsiSnapshot
- CsiSnapshotCreateRequest
- CsiSnapshotCreateResponse
- CsiSnapshotListResponse
- CsiTopology
- CsiTopologyRequest
- CsiVolume
- CsiVolumeCapability
- CsiVolumeCreateRequest
- CsiVolumeExternalStub
- CsiVolumeListExternalResponse
- CsiVolumeListStub
- CsiVolumeRegisterRequest
- Deployment
- DeploymentAllocHealthRequest
- DeploymentPauseRequest
- DeploymentPromoteRequest
- DeploymentState
- DeploymentUnblockRequest
- DeploymentUpdateResponse
- DesiredTransition
- DesiredUpdates
- DispatchPayloadConfig
- DnsConfig
- DrainMetadata
- DrainSpec
- DrainStrategy
- DriverInfo
- EphemeralDisk
- EvalOptions
- Evaluation
- EvaluationStub
- FieldDiff
- FuzzyMatch
- FuzzySearchRequest
- FuzzySearchResponse
- GaugeValue
- HostNetworkInfo
- HostVolumeInfo
- Job
- JobAcl
- JobChildrenSummary
- JobDeregisterResponse
- JobDiff
- JobDispatchRequest
- JobDispatchResponse
- JobEvaluateRequest
- JobListStub
- JobPlanRequest
- JobPlanResponse
- JobRegisterRequest
- JobRegisterResponse
- JobRevertRequest
- JobScaleStatusResponse
- JobStabilityRequest
- JobStabilityResponse
- JobSummary
- JobValidateRequest
- JobValidateResponse
- JobVersionsResponse
- JobsParseRequest
- LogConfig
- MetricsSummary
- MigrateStrategy
- Multiregion
- MultiregionRegion
- MultiregionStrategy
- Namespace
- NamespaceCapabilities
- NetworkResource
- Node
- NodeCpuResources
- NodeDevice
- NodeDeviceLocality
- NodeDeviceResource
- NodeDiskResources
- NodeDrainUpdateResponse
- NodeEligibilityUpdateResponse
- NodeEvent
- NodeListStub
- NodeMemoryResources
- NodePurgeResponse
- NodeReservedCpuResources
- NodeReservedDiskResources
- NodeReservedMemoryResources
- NodeReservedNetworkResources
- NodeReservedResources
- NodeResources
- NodeScoreMeta
- NodeUpdateDrainRequest
- NodeUpdateEligibilityRequest
- ObjectDiff
- OneTimeToken
- OneTimeTokenExchangeRequest
- OperatorHealthReply
- ParameterizedJobConfig
- PeriodicConfig
- PeriodicForceResponse
- PlanAnnotations
- PointValue
- Port
- PortMapping
- PreemptionConfig
- QuotaLimit
- QuotaSpec
- RaftConfiguration
- RaftServer
- RequestedDevice
- RescheduleEvent
- ReschedulePolicy
- RescheduleTracker
- Resources
- RestartPolicy
- SampledValue
- ScalingEvent
- ScalingPolicy
- ScalingPolicyListStub
- ScalingRequest
- SchedulerConfiguration
- SchedulerConfigurationResponse
- SchedulerSetConfigurationResponse
- SearchRequest
- SearchResponse
- ServerHealth
- Service
- ServiceCheck
- ServiceRegistration
- SidecarTask
- Spread
- SpreadTarget
- Task
- TaskArtifact
- TaskCsiPluginConfig
- TaskDiff
- TaskEvent
- TaskGroup
- TaskGroupDiff
- TaskGroupScaleStatus
- TaskGroupSummary
- TaskHandle
- TaskLifecycle
- TaskState
- Template
- UpdateStrategy
- Variable
- VariableMetadata
- Vault
- VolumeMount
- VolumeRequest
- WaitConfig
To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:
cargo doc --open