A Discord replication site built using Javascript, ReactJS, Ruby on Rails, HTML, and CSS
Live: https://dissonance.herokuapp.com/
- Features virtual scrolling, which unpollutes the DOM by rendering and unrendering messages on an as-needed basis
- Preloads 2 messages to simulate smooth, natural scrolling, and makes backend calls to fetch more messages in large, rare intervals instead of receiving all of them at once
- Improved scalability by reducing initial load times of large channels by over 98% according to Chrome profiler
- Real-time messaging and notifications via ActionCable
- Sending, editing, and deleting messages will be seen by all users simultaneously
- Does not create redundant notifications if the user happens to have the conversation already open
- Multiple chat bots implemented to increase user retention in the otherwise quiescent community
- Aria Bot which simulates a real-person and engages in converations with users
- Dino Bot which helps new users navigate themselves through the app
- Created a Node.js proxy server to bypass CORS-related restrictions for a particular bot API
- Search engine that supports multiple tags such as channel location, author, and message contents
- Support combining multiple tags in any order through regular expression manipulation
let msg = this.state.searchmsg;
//below is non-optimal code which I wouldn't have done on a coding challenge but more than suffices for the purpose of the project
const re1 = / ?from:.+#[0-9]{4} ?/g; //from:blah#1234
const re2 = / ?in:[A-Za-z0-9_-]+ ?/g; //in:general
const re3 = / ?has:[A-Za-z]+ ?/g; //has:image
const re4 = / ?pinned: ?/g; //pinned:
let user = "";
let channel = "";
let has_image = false;
let has_link = false;
let pinned = false;
let ans = re1.exec(msg);
msg = msg.split(ans[0]).join("");
user = ans[0].trim().slice(5);
let ans2 = re2.exec(msg);
msg = msg.split(ans2[0]).join("");
channel = ans2[0].trim().slice(3);
let ans3 = re3.exec(msg);
let a = ans3[0].trim().slice(4).toLowerCase();
if(a === "image")
msg = msg.split(ans3[0]).join("")
has_image = true;
else if (a === "link")
msg = msg.split(ans3[0]).join("")
has_link = true;
let ans4 = re4.exec(msg);
msg = msg.split(ans4[0]).join("");
pinned = true;
this.props.displayModal("search-message", {msg: msg, channel: channel, has_image: has_image, has_link: has_link, pinned: pinned, user: user})
this.setState({searchlisting: 0});
- CRUD Implementations of Users, Servers, Channels, and Conversations
- Soon to implement customized roles with selectable colors and permissions
The core of the website is built using Javascript, ReactJS, HTML, CSS, and Ruby on Rails. NodeJS proxy server was used to implement Aria Bot using Cleverbot API to avoid CORS-related errors that occurred otherwise. React-Virtualized was used to implement virtual scrolling with dynamic cell heights by leveraging CellMeasurer and Autosizer. BCrypt was used for safe encryption, and the program is compiled together via Webpack. ActiveRecord and ActiveStorage was used in conjunction with Ruby on Rails for the backend.
- Test all functionalities on Heroku even if it works on Live
- Pinging with Action Cable
- Finish Search
- Aria Bot Notification Glow-up, Implement either Bot or Main Server to help introduce new users -> Also stop the hardcoded id = 6 thing (heroku)
- Image preview
- Better Seeding
- BETTER READMES (both projects)
- Pinging and Channel Linking
- Customizable Roles with different permission accesses and priveleges
- Discover Servers Thing
- Friend Requests
- Emojis
- Invite Users should show list of friends
- Blocking/Kicking/Banning
- Animations (CSS)
- user not allowed to message not workign when swapped into
- messages not updated when same number
- create user has the footer bug still
- Editing messgaes might not be live (Action Cable)
- PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZAITON (is it a nicknames backend problem? It is really slow to load the 300 page) -> LOADING THING PROBABLY MAKES IT OK
- Minor: Massive space under images?
- Minor?: Notifications sometimes doubles or fails to show up
- When coming from a convo, channel messages might have weird spacing messed up from react-virtuzliaed. try either clear caching everything on load, or force refresh
- Delete server causes glitch when press on other server after
- Transfer everything necessary between channels and conversations
- Changing nickname refresh... refactor: put nickname in the state. inside the new reducer, have a hash for user_id with nickname/username depending on whether nickname exists
- Refactor: DELETE USER. Should change users into deleted users, should not just wipe the user from memory but make it non-loggable, etc.
- Remove the dangerouslySetInnerHTML code. Refactor into somehow not using it (100% doable)