Webtool is an annotation and database management application developed by FrameNet Brasil Project, which can be accessed using any web browser, without the need to install any additional software. Webtool handles multilingual framenets and constructicons.
Webtool app is coded using Laravel PHP framework.
In order to run this container you'll need docker installed.
Create a local installation for Webtool:
- Clone this repository at an accesible folder
$ git clone https://github.com/FrameNetBrasil/webtool38.git
$ cd webtool38
Copy file .env.sample to .env
Create the database from dump
Update database conf at .env file
Build and start the container
$ docker compose build
$ docker compose up
- Access the app at http://localhost:8001 (with user = webtool password = test)
- PHP 8.3
- Laravel Framework 10.3
(work in progress)
GNU GPLv3 - See the COPYING file for license rights and limitations.
Torrent, T.T., Matos, E.E.d.S., Costa, A.D.d. et al. A flexible tool for a qualia-enriched FrameNet: the FrameNet Brasil WebTool. Lang Resources & Evaluation (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-023-09714-8