A project for exploring how to meet DUNE's framework needs.
Existing data-processing frameworks for HEP experiments are largely based on collider-physics concepts, which may be based on rigid, event-based data hierarchies. These data organizations are not always helpful for neutrino experiments, which must sometimes work around such restrictions by manually splitting apart events into constructs that are better suited for neutrino physics.
The purpose of Meld is to explore more flexible data organizations by treating a frameworks job as:
- A graph of data-product sequences connected by...
- User-defined functions that serve as operations to...
- Framework-provided higher-order functions.
Each of these aspects is discussed below:
To build Meld using Fermilab's Spack bootstrap script and MPD extension, follow these steps.
- Set up your Spack installation (once per machine)
On Linux, you can install and configure the right version of Spack and assocaited tools using our bootstrap script.
$ cd <some scratch area>
$ wget https://github.com/FNALssi/fermi-spack-tools/raw/refs/heads/fnal-develop/bin/bootstrap
$ bash bootstrap $PWD/spack-fnal
$ source <some scratch area/>spack-fnal/share/spack/setup-env.sh
The bootstrap
script does not work on macOS.
To get going with macOS, do the following instead.
Note that if you have a previous installation of spack, you may have a directory $HOME/.spack
These instructions have only been tested with a fresh installation, meaning there is no such directory.
$ cd <some scratch area>
$ git clone -b fnal_develop [email protected]:FNALssi/spack.git
$ git clone -b develop [email protected]:FNALssi/fnal_art.git
$ git clone [email protected]:FNALssi/spack-mpd.git
$ source spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh
$ spack repo add $PWD/fnal_art # Fermilab's Spack recipes
Then you need to edit the Spack configuration using spack config --scope site edit config
Add the following to your configuration:
- <path to your spack-mpd clone>
- Set up MPD for the Spack installation (once per Spack installation).
We expect you're doing this in the same shell session used in step (1).
If that is not the case, repeat the
of thesetup-env.sh
$ spack mpd init
- Establish compilers
spack compiler find
spack compilers
This will find, and then report, what compilers you have available.
- Create a new MPD project
$ source <some scratch area/>spack-fnal/share/spack/setup-env.sh
$ spack mpd new-project --name meld-devel -T <some/path/to/>meld-devel cxxstd=20 %gcc@11
$ spack mpd clone https://github.com/Framework-R-D/meld.git
$ spack mpd refresh
$ spack mpd build -j12
$ spack mpd test -j12
- Work on an existing MPD project from a new shell
$ source <some scratch area/>spack-fnal/share/spack/setup-env.sh
$ spack mpd select meld-devel
$ spack mpd build -j12
$ ...
$ spack mpd test -j12