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1st step: Install devtools

Devtools is necesary because it allow us to install and packages from GitHub.

  • Install system dependencies for devtools (in console):

    sudo apt-get install build-essential libcurl4-gnutls-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev

  • Install devtools package (in R):


2nd step: Install Keras

  • Install keras from github repository (in R):


  • To make sure Keras is installed (in R):


3rd step: Install TensorFlow

  • Install TensorFlow (in R):

    install_tensorflow() #for cpu#

    install_tensorflow(gpu = T) #for nvdidia gpu#

  • To make sure TensorFlow is installed (in R):


2nd-3rd in one step: Install Keras and TensorFlow simultaneously:

  • Install keras from github repository (in R):


  • Install system dependencies for TensorFlow (in console):

    sudo apt-get install python-pip python-virtualenv

  • Install Keras and TensorFlow (in R):




Load the library


Check versions



Create the model

  • The main data structure in Keras is a model, a way to organize a linear stack of layers.

    model <- keras_model_sequential()

Add layers to the model (using the pipe (%>%) operator)

  • Fully connected layers

    model %>% layer_dense(units, activation, input_shape)

    • units: numbers of neurons in the first hidden layer
    • activation: activation function ('tanh', 'relu', 'linear', 'softmax' ...)
    • input_shape: number of neurons in the input layer (the first layer in a sequential model (and only the first) needs to receive information about its input shape
  • Long Short Term Memory

    model %>% layer_lstm(units, activation, input_shape or batch_input_shape, return_sequences, stateful)

    • units: numbers of lstm neurons in the first hidden layer
    • activation: activation function ('tanh', 'relu', 'linear', 'softmax' ...)
    • input_shape: dimensionality of the input -> c(timestep (number of time steps per inputs), features (number of columns))
    • batch_imput_shape: shape of the data -> c(batch_size (normally the number os samples), timestep (number of time steps per inputs), features (number of columns))
    • return_sequences: true or false.
    • stateful: true or false. The states computed for the samples in one batch will be reused as initial states for the samples in the next batch. Stateful to true needs a fixed batch size for your model (with batch_input_shape), and shuffle = False in fit().


  • The dropout rate for regularization, is an effort to limit overfitting and improve the model’s ability to generalize.

    model %>% layer_dropout(rate)

    • rate: fraction of the input units to drop (between 0 and 1)

Print the details of the model


Compile the model

  • Configure a Keras model for training

    model %>% compile(loss, optimizer, metrics)

    • loss: objective function ('mean_squared_error', 'binary_crossentropy', ...)
    • optimizer: optimizer for estimating and updating the model parameters ('sgd', 'rmsprop', ...)
    • metrics: the metric to assess the performance of the model ('accuracy', ...) (for classification problem)

Fit the model

  • Function to train the model

    model %>% fit(X_train, Y_train, epochs, batch_size, shuffle)

    • X_train: explicative variable/variables for training
    • Y_train: explicated variable for training
    • epochs: the number of times the algorithm work with the entire training data
    • batch_size: the size of sample to be passed through the algorithm in each epoch (32 by default)
    • shuffle: true or false. Shuffle the training data before each epoch.

Plot the training phase

  • The Keras fit() method returns an R object containing the training history, including the value of metrics at the end of each epoch


    • Fit_Return: the object returned by fit() function

Predict with the model

  • Generate predictions on new data (or on train and test data)(for regression)

    model %>% predict(X_data)

    • X_data: explicative data for training to predict the data train, or explicative data for test to predict the test data
  • Generate predictions on new data (or on train and test data)(for classification)

    model %>% predict_classes(X_data)

    • X_data: explicative data for training to predict the data train, or explicative data for test to predict the test data

Evaluate the model

  • Evaluate the model’s performance on the training and test data

    model %>% evaluate(X_data, Y_data)

    • X_train: explicative data for training to evaluate the training, or explicative data for test to predict the testing
    • Y_train: explicated data for training to evaluate the training, or explicated data for test to predict the testing


help(package = keras)



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