Devtools is necesary because it allow us to install and packages from GitHub.
Install system dependencies for devtools (in console):
sudo apt-get install build-essential libcurl4-gnutls-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev
Install devtools package (in R):
Install keras from github repository (in R):
To make sure Keras is installed (in R):
Install TensorFlow (in R):
install_tensorflow() #for cpu#
install_tensorflow(gpu = T) #for nvdidia gpu#
To make sure TensorFlow is installed (in R):
Install keras from github repository (in R):
Install system dependencies for TensorFlow (in console):
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-virtualenv
Install Keras and TensorFlow (in R):
The main data structure in Keras is a model, a way to organize a linear stack of layers.
model <- keras_model_sequential()
Fully connected layers
model %>% layer_dense(units, activation, input_shape)
- units: numbers of neurons in the first hidden layer
- activation: activation function ('tanh', 'relu', 'linear', 'softmax' ...)
- input_shape: number of neurons in the input layer (the first layer in a sequential model (and only the first) needs to receive information about its input shape
Long Short Term Memory
model %>% layer_lstm(units, activation, input_shape or batch_input_shape, return_sequences, stateful)
- units: numbers of lstm neurons in the first hidden layer
- activation: activation function ('tanh', 'relu', 'linear', 'softmax' ...)
- input_shape: dimensionality of the input -> c(timestep (number of time steps per inputs), features (number of columns))
- batch_imput_shape: shape of the data -> c(batch_size (normally the number os samples), timestep (number of time steps per inputs), features (number of columns))
- return_sequences: true or false.
- stateful: true or false. The states computed for the samples in one batch will be reused as initial states for the samples in the next batch. Stateful to true needs a fixed batch size for your model (with batch_input_shape), and shuffle = False in fit().
The dropout rate for regularization, is an effort to limit overfitting and improve the model’s ability to generalize.
model %>% layer_dropout(rate)
- rate: fraction of the input units to drop (between 0 and 1)
Configure a Keras model for training
model %>% compile(loss, optimizer, metrics)
- loss: objective function ('mean_squared_error', 'binary_crossentropy', ...)
- optimizer: optimizer for estimating and updating the model parameters ('sgd', 'rmsprop', ...)
- metrics: the metric to assess the performance of the model ('accuracy', ...) (for classification problem)
Function to train the model
model %>% fit(X_train, Y_train, epochs, batch_size, shuffle)
- X_train: explicative variable/variables for training
- Y_train: explicated variable for training
- epochs: the number of times the algorithm work with the entire training data
- batch_size: the size of sample to be passed through the algorithm in each epoch (32 by default)
- shuffle: true or false. Shuffle the training data before each epoch.
The Keras fit() method returns an R object containing the training history, including the value of metrics at the end of each epoch
- Fit_Return: the object returned by fit() function
Generate predictions on new data (or on train and test data)(for regression)
model %>% predict(X_data)
- X_data: explicative data for training to predict the data train, or explicative data for test to predict the test data
Generate predictions on new data (or on train and test data)(for classification)
model %>% predict_classes(X_data)
- X_data: explicative data for training to predict the data train, or explicative data for test to predict the test data
Evaluate the model’s performance on the training and test data
model %>% evaluate(X_data, Y_data)
- X_train: explicative data for training to evaluate the training, or explicative data for test to predict the testing
- Y_train: explicated data for training to evaluate the training, or explicated data for test to predict the testing
help(package = keras)