Download install_QuPath_w_download.sh into a folder in your nemo space to which you want to install QuPath
Open up an OnDemand GPU Desktop. For instructions on how to do this, see [this documentation].
Open up a terminal in OnDemand (right click anywhere on the screen and open up xterm)
Navigate to the folder on Nemo in which you put install_QuPath_w_download.sh
Run ./install_QuPath_w_download.sh -- This will install the program, and create a new run script in your top level home directory
Start a new xterm (or type in cd $HOME)
type in ./Run_QuPath.sh
At anypoint you want to run QuPath, you can run the script ./RunQuPath.sh from your home directory (the first directory that opens when you start xterm)
- Download QuPath for Linux and put it in your working directory on nemo. It will have a file extension of .tar.xz
- Open up an OnDemand GPU Desktop. For instructions on how to do this, see [this documentation].
- Open up a terminal in OnDemand (right click anywhere on the screen and open up xterm)
- Navigate to the folder on Nemo in which you put the QuPath installation file (this is /path/to/QuPath)
- use the command tar -xf QuPath-******.tar.xz Where the ***** represents the version of QuPath
- use the command chomd u+x /path/to/QuPath/bin/QuPath to change the permissions of the launcher
- Navigate to the folder /path/to/QuPath/bin/ and type in ./QuPath to run QuPath