ical-generator is a small piece of code which generates ical calendar files. I use this to generate subscriptionable calendar feeds.
npm install ical-generator
var ical = require('ical-generator'),
http = require('http'),
cal = ical();
cal.setDomain('sebbo.net').setName('my first iCal');
start: new Date(),
end: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 3600000),
summary: 'Example Event',
description: 'It works ;)',
location: 'my room',
url: 'http://sebbo.net/'
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
}).listen(3000, '');
console.log('Server running at');
Use this method to set your server's hostname. It will be used to generate the feed's UID. Default hostname is localhost.
Use this method to set your feed's name.
This method is used to overwrite the default ProdID:
company: 'My Company',
product: 'My Product',
language: 'EN'
Add an event. Options is an plain object, that configure the event.
Event UID. If not set, an UID will be generated randomly.
Appointment date of beginning
Appointment date of end
Appointment date of creation
Appointment summary
Appointment description
Appointment location
Appointment organizer
start: new Date(),
end: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 3600000),
summary: 'Example Event',
description: 'Appointment with Organizer',
location: 'Room 123',
organizer: {
name: 'Organizer\'s Name',
email: '[email protected]'
Appointment Website
Save Calendar to disk asynchronously using fs.writeFile
Save Calendar to disk synchronously using fs.writeFileSync
Send Calendar to the User when using HTTP. See example above.
Return Calendar as a String.
Empty the Calender.