It’s Mars on your phone. This React Native application calls NASA’s Mars Rover Photo API, and formats the returned JSON for your red planet exploration needs.
Simply, to personally use and explore the features of react native in practice.
- View lists of stunning images from NASA’s mars rover mission.
- Select through each Mars SOL Date (Mars Solar date) to view images from.
- Filter which cameras’ images you want to see.
- Complete full screen of image after selection from the list. Possibly with more info on the image it’s self.
- Some extra animation integration to finish the design brief.
- A page to credit NASA’s Mars rover mission, and all the skilled people at JPL.
- JavaScript classes.
- The React Native component life cycle.
- Props, and passing props.
- Component state.
- Function calls, and passing props to and with them.
- JavaScript switches.
- A touch of animation through the Animated API supplied with React Native.
- API calls, and data handling.
- JSON interpretation, and handling.
- JavaScript debugging in Chrome.
- Library importing and use with in React Native.
- light amounts of style work using Layout props.
- Git.
- A lot more Layout prop features.
- The Animated API.
- Font (worked with it already, but have not implemented it yet.)
To have the application ready and approved for the App Store.
Some of the SOL dates and camera options do not bring back any images, keep this in mind if your selection results in a dry off-black screen. The images taken on this mission may be some of the first few products made on Mars. Neat.