This is a system administration and networking project. The aim of the project is to discover cluster management and deployment with Kubernetes by creating a multi-serivce cluster: Nginx, Wordpress, PhpMyAdmin, Mysql, FTPS, influxDB, grafana.
note: used telegraf for data collection and metallb for load balancing.
- Minimalistic Alpine Dockerfile
- Build in PHP
- Nginx documentation
- Mysql host name
- Access to database
- Production DataBases : mysql
- Alpine documentation
- Alpine PhpMyAdmin
- Alpine Nginx
- Alpine MariaDB
- Alpine Wordpress
- Alpine SSH
- PhpMyAdmin documentation
- Nginx/php
- Metallb: load balancer
- Nginx conf for php-fpm
- Question: 13 Permission denied
- SSH conf manual
- SSHD conf manual
- Habr SSH
- Habr FTP-Server
- Question: understanding-volume-instruction-in-dockerfile
- telegraf
- influxDB
- influxdb guide
- influxdb + telegraf
- Alpine packages
- Influx docker
- Alpine ready packages
- vsftpd
- vsftpd passive mode
- vsftpd manual
- Grafana