About | Puzzle Explanation | Requirements | Starting | Author
This project is a Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Solving penniless pilgrim riddle puzzle
this simple app consist of two parts: 1- wanderEnv 2-WanderAgent
first one defines games enviroments, rules, moves and etc. while the latter is defining our Agents behaviour
0:Right 1:Down 2:Left 3:Up
the Agent will play the game more and more and each time learns a bit more of the game and completes his! Qtable, for more info pleas check Reinforcement learning
After months of travel, you’ve arrived at Duonia, home to the famous temple that’s the destination of your pilgrimage. The walk from the welcome center to the temple isn’t a long one … but there’s a problem. Can you outsmart the city’s imposed tax and make it to the temple without paying a fee?
Your tax total begins at 4. Walk east one block, add 2. Walk west a block, subtract 2. Walk south one block and your total doubles, but you can divide your total for every block walked northward.
How can you get to the temple with a zero balance? And without walking the same path twice? Grab a pencil and paper to solve this puzzle
Before starting 🏁, you need to have numpy installed
# Clone this project
$ git clone https://github.com/fsunroo/wander
# Access
$ cd wander
# Install dependencies
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Run the project
$ python wanderAgent.py
Made with ❤️ by Mohammad Fhd