Gates feature flags behind generational gaps.
FlagSwappr keeps track of whether features are enabled based on a current "generation". It's based off the concept of game generations, such as Pokemon, where features are turned on or off in different releases.
const flagSwapper = new FlagSwappr({
generations: {
first: {
eggs: false,
second: {
eggs: true,
Starting generation to enable, if not the first from generationNames.
const flagSwapper = new FlagSwappr({
generation: "second",
generations: {
first: {
eggs: false,
second: {
eggs: true,
const { eggs } = flagSwapper.flags; // true
Ordered names of the available generations, if not Object.keys(generations)
The first key in this string[]
is used as the starting generation
const flagSwapper = new FlagSwappr({
generationNames: ["second", "first"],
generations: {
first: {
eggs: false,
second: {
eggs: true,
const { eggs } = flagSwapper.flags; // true
Groups of feature settings, in order. These represent the changes each generation made to the available feature flags.
is templated across a TFlags
type, where each of its flags
are a Partial
of that type.
The template is inferred from the constructor or can be specified manually.
interface IFlags {
eggs: boolean;
const flagSwapper = new FlagSwappr<IFlags>({
generations: {
first: {
eggs: false,
second: {
eggs: true,
Getter for the generation-variant flags.
When a new generation is set, the internal representation is reset to an object with flags for what the current generation's state is for that generation.
Each member flag is equal the most "recent" generation setting, as defined by the generationNames
const flagSwapper = new FlagSwappr({
generation: "third",
generationNames: ["first", "second", "third"],
generations: {
first: {
eggs: false,
second: {
eggs: true,
const { eggs } = flagSwapper.flags; // true
generationName: string
: Generation for flag setting.
Sets flags to a generation.
const flagSwapper = new FlagSwappr({
generation: "third",
generationNames: ["first", "second", "third"],
generations: {
first: {
eggs: false,
second: {
eggs: true,
const { eggs } = flagSwapper.flags; // false
After forking the repo from GitHub:
git clone<your-name-here>/FlagSwappr
cd FlagSwappr
npm install
npm run setup
npm run verify
npm run setup
creates a few auto-generated setup files locally.npm run verify
builds, lints, and runs tests.
npm run watch
Source files are written under src/
in TypeScript and compile in-place to JavaScript files.
npm run watch
will directly run the TypeScript compiler on source files in watch mode.
Use it in the background while developing to keep the compiled files up-to-date.
npm run test
Tests are written in Mocha and Chai.
Their files are written using alongside source files under src/
and named *.test.ts?
Whenever you add, remove, or rename a *.test.t*
file under src/
, watch
will re-run npm run test:setup
to regenerate the list of static test files in test/index.html
You can open that file in a browser to debug through the tests.