#Overview Allows you to manage or reference your Trello board through commits to Github. Tag a commit with "Finishes 1234", for example to update that card and move it to a list you specify!
Commit messages are searched for (start|per|finish|fix)e?s? \D?([0-9]+)
to find the card short id. All commands will add the commit message to the card.
will move the card to a list specified in configuration by thestart_list_target_id
will move the card to a list specified in configuration by thefinish_list_target_id
Examples, assuming the start list is "doing" and the finish list is "ready for release":
git commit -m 'Added a class to start 124'
This will move card #124 to the "doing" list.
git commit -m 'Added a few more tests per 124'
This will add a message to card #124 but nothing more (as it is already in "Doing")
git commit -m 'Finalized details to finish 124'
This will move card #124 to the "ready for release" list.
###Gather config values
- api_key - Go to https://trello.com/1/appKey/generate
- oauth_token - Go to https://trello.com/1/authorize?response_type=token&name=Trello+Github+Integration&scope=read,write&expiration=never&key=[your-key-here] replacing [your-key-here] with the api_key from above. Authorize the request and record the token.
- board_id - You can get the board id from the URL, for example https://trello.com/board/trello-development/4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c the board id is 4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000ca.
- …list_target_id - These can be found by opening a card in the list, exporting it as json, and grabbing the "idList" value.
###Deploy to Heroku Follow these steps replacing the flagged values with the ones you gathered above:
- clone this repo
cd github-trello
heroku create
heroku config:add api_key=<API_KEY> oauth_token=<OATH_TOKEN> board_id=<BOARD_ID> start_list_target_id=<ID> finish_list_target_id=<ID>
git push heroku master
Now the server should be running on Heroku.
###Set up GitHub Simply add you your Heroku app url + "/posthook" as a WebHook url under "Admin" for your repository. Example: