BigGo API Javascript Client is a video API written in Javascript. We have two APIs included so far and will update more APIs and the function in each of them in the short future:
Using npm
npm i biggo-api --save
Using yarn
yarn add biggo-api
Using pnpm
pnpm add biggo-api
Using ESM:
import { auth, api } from "biggo-api"
Using CJS:
const { auth, api } = require("biggo-api")
To get started, first obtain a client id and secret from BigGo API. Then, use the following code to obtain an API client:
const client = auth.getJWTClient({
client_id: "<client id>",
client_secret: "<client secret>"
You can refer to this guide to get the client id and secret
You can use a similar approach to access all BigGo API resources using the api object. Simply create a new instance of the desired resource, passing in the client object obtained from auth.getJWTClient(). For example:
// access /video api
const video ={ client })
// get video information
const info = await video.get("<video id>")
// access /user api
const user = api.user({ client })
// get liked videos on biggo in you account
const likedVideos = await user.getLikeVideos()
// Use other resources in a similar way...
This library currently supports the following BigGo APIs:
- Uploading videos.
- Getting video information - Using video ID to get the information for both video and the uploader. (ex: user ID, description, etc. )
- Editing video settings - Editing video title, description, accessibility, etc.
- Deleting videos.
- Getting video information on all uploaded videos on the personal video list.
This library supports typescript out of the box.