BigGo API Python Client is a video API written in python. We have two APIs included so far and will update more APIs and the function in each of them in the short future.
This package also support asyncio, but the Getting Started part only illustrate synchronous usage.
For asynchronous usage, see async docs.
BigGo API Python Client currently support Python 3.9+.
Install biggo-api
in virtual environment.
- create and activate virtual environment
python3 -m venv <venv-name>
source <venv-name>/bin/activate
- install
using pip
python3 -m pip install biggo-api
Begin by importing the APIClient and ClientCredentials from biggo_api module:
>>> from biggo_api.clients import APIClient, ClientCredentials
Next, initialize an authorized API client using client credentials:
>>> credentials = ClientCredentials(
... client_id='my_client_id', client_secret='my_client_secret',
... )
>>> api_client = APIClient(client_credentials=credentials)
You can refer to this guide to get the client id and secret
You can use a similar approach to access all BigGo API resources using the api client. Simply access the instance client of the desired resource. For example:
# access video api
>>> video_client =
# get video information
>>> info = video_client.get(video_id='video_id')
# access user api
>>> user_client = api_client.user
# get client's own videos at page 1
>>> own_videos = user_client.get_own_videos(page=1)
# Use other resources in a similar way...
This library currently supports the following BigGo APIs (see full usage guide in docs folder):
- Uploading videos.
- Getting video information - Using video ID to get the information for both video and the uploader. (ex: user ID, description, etc. )
- Editing video settings - Editing video title, description, accessibility, etc.
- Deleting videos.
- Getting video information on all uploaded videos on the personal video list.