In this tutorial, we will use the video api to upload, get, update and delete an example video.
First, try to upload a local video file:
>>> video_upload_resp ='./my_video.mp4')
>>> video_upload_resp
VideoUploadResponse(result=True, video_id='example_id')
The id of this newly uploaded video is example_id
Next, try to get the video from APIClient:
>>> video_get_resp ='example_id')
>>> video_get_resp
VideoResponse(result=True, user=VideoUserInfo(...), video=[BigGoVideo(...)], size=1)
The data we need is in the attribute video
>>> video =[0]
Now, we have a BigGoVideo object called video. We can get all the information we need from this object.
>>> video.video_id
>>> video.created_at
>>> video.is_myvideo
>>> video.description
The description of this video is None
, we should add some text to it.
Import the data model VideoParams
>>> from biggo_api.data_models import VideoParams
Initialize the object by filling video_id and description into it:
>>> video_params = VideoParams(
... video_id='example_id',
... description='my first video',
... )
>>> video_params
VideoParams(access=None, description='my first video', product_list=None, thumbnail_time=None, title=None, video_id='example_id')
There is a lot of None
value in the object video_params
, just ignore them because the partial_update
function will remove all the fields whose value is None
when sending request.
Now, call the update function to update the description of video:
Get the video again, the description is updated.
>>> updated_video ='example_id').video[0]
>>> updated_video.description
'my first video'
Let's take a look of your own videos before deleting the example video:
>>> api_client.user.get_own_videos()
UserVideoResponse(result=True, user_video=UserVideo(data=[BigGoVideo(video_id='example_id', ...)], size=1))
Finally, delete this example video:
When you try to get the deleted video, it will raise an BigGoAPIError:
Traceback (most recent call last):
biggo_api.exception.BigGoAPIError: result=False error=Error(code=1004, message='The video does not exist.')