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DB Lytix™ is Fuzzy Logix’s flagship in-database analytics product, achieving high-performance analytics.

The DB Lytix™ docker images are built on centos 6 base image and installed HDP & a pre-installed DB Lytix™, for more info about the product and support, please let us know.

Docker host machine used is CentOS 7 with the latest version of Docker. Older versions of Docker provided by docker-machine and/or Docker Toolbox will not work.

Project Goals:

Provide a docker environment to run/test DB Lytix™


  1. Install docker, docker-compose on host machine.

  2. To test DB Lytix™, get the user manual & a license file from Fuzzy Logix for license file & user manual


  1. To run the cluster:
git clone

Build docker images as:

docker-compose -f examples/compose/multi-container.yml build

This would show the docker images in host machine:

[root@localhost ~]# docker images
REPOSITORY              TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
dblytix/worker          latest              cacb20b1b0d3        15 seconds ago      7.682 GB
dblytix/ambari-server   latest              b0fad41dd49c        15 minutes ago      2.492 GB

To launch cluster, start docker container as:

docker-compose -f examples/compose/multi-container.yml up

Find that containers are running:

[root@localhost ~]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID	IMAGE           COMMAND                  CREATED       	STATUS         PORTS                       NAMES
1c0d588be4c0    dblytix/worker  "/bin/sh -c /"   19 minutes ago Up 19 minutes>6667/tcp...   compose_dn0.dev_1
d7dc4feb2f0f    dblytix/ambari	"/bin/sh -c /"   19 minutes ago Up 19 minutes>8080/tcp...   compose_ambari-server.dev_1

Check if the service 'ambari-server' is running:

[root@localhost ~]# docker exec -it d7dc4feb2f0f /bin/bash
[root@ambari-server /]# ambari-server status

if not already running , start the service:
[root@ambari-server /]# ambari-server start

Also, need the service 'ambari-agent' to be running on all nodes,
check the status of the service on each node & start if needed:
[root@ambari-server /]# ambari-agent status
[root@ambari-server /]# ambari-agent start

Then Ambari Web UI will be accessible at localhost:8080. Default User/PW is admin/admin.

  1. To use the in-hadoop analytical functions, examples are in DB Lytix™ user manual and an example is here:

a. copy the dblytix.license file to host machine & copy it to datanodes as usinf docker cp command as:

See if you have put the license file in host machine:
[root@localhost ~]# ls -ltr dblytix.license
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4 Jun 13 10:17 dblytix.license

Find the container ID as:
[root@localhost ~]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID	IMAGE           COMMAND                  CREATED       	STATUS         PORTS                       NAMES
1c0d588be4c0    dblytix/worker  "/bin/sh -c /"   19 minutes ago Up 19 minutes>6667/tcp...   compose_dn0.dev_1
d7dc4feb2f0f    dblytix/ambari	"/bin/sh -c /"   19 minutes ago Up 19 minutes>8080/tcp...   compose_ambari-server.dev_1

Copy the license file to containers as:		
[root@localhost ~]# docker cp dblytix.license 1c0d588be4c0:/etc/hadoop 
[root@localhost ~]# docker cp dblytix.license d7dc4feb2f0f:/etc/hadoop 

b. connect to hiveserver2 via odbc/jdbc/beeline and run DB Lytix™ functions:

  To login to a node (also, can connect to HS2 from host or external machines as per docker network configured):
 # docker exec -it d7dc4feb2f0f /bin/bash

  Connect to HS2 via beeline:
 # beeline -u jdbc:hive2:// -n hive
  Call DB Lytix™ functions as SQL/HQL:
  0: jdbc:hive2://> SELECT FLLinRegr('mazdoo.tbllinregr','obsid','varid','num_val','');
  INFO  : Session is already open
  INFO  : Dag name: select fllinregr('maz...varid','num_val','')(Stage-1)
  INFO  : Status: Running (Executing on YARN cluster with App id application_1518679384209_0001)
  Map 1 ..........   SUCCEEDED      1          1        0        0       0       0
  VERTICES: 01/01  [==========================>>] 100%  ELAPSED TIME: 315.07 s
  | analysisid  |
  | FL495542    | 
  1 row selected (320.778 seconds)
  0: jdbc:hive2://>


Can customize (add datanode / mount voulme / change docker network) via Dockerfile or multi-container.yml file.

By default it uses docker-bridge. Possible to work with any docker network.
Thus, can have container IP either as host/private/public & can work with odbc/jdbc/beeline hive connector.

Fuzzy Logix reqularly releases the new products and publishes latest docker images, so to work on latest dblytix image, clear the previously pulled image present locally:

[root@localhost ~]# docker rmi 1c0d588be4c0
[root@localhost ~]# docker rmi b0fad41dd49c

Then get the latest images as in step 1 and continue experimenting with DB Lytix™.


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