The Robot Car Project is a school project with a focus on building a robot car capable of navigating through an arena, shooting four targets, and reaching the finish line as quickly as possible. The project demands proficiency in both automatic and manual operation of the robot car.
Navigation: Develop a robot car that can efficiently navigate a static are, both in automatic and manual modes.
Target Shooting: Implement a shooting mechanism to accurately target and hit four designated points within the arena, showcasing precision and control in both automatic and manual operation.
Speed Challenge: Optimize the robot's performance to complete the course and reach the finish line as quickly as possible, demonstrating agility and speed in both automatic and manual modes.
The project provides a hands-on experience for students, requiring them to explore robotics, sensors, and actuators, while also presenting a dual-operation challenge in both automatic and manual scenarios.
- Remote Control: Control the robot car remotely using a Wi-Fi.
- Autonomous Mode: Enable autonomous mode for the robot car to navigate and avoid obstacles.
- Targeting: All targeting is done automatically even if you control the robot remotely allowing you to focus on the navigating the arena
Check out the visual highlights of the Robot Car Project, including photos and videos capturing different stages of development and the robot in action.
Description: Watch the robot in action, showcasing its navigation and target shooting capabilities.
Description: Witness the robot completing the speed challenge and reaching the finish line.
Description: Testing the Milwaukee battery on the robot.
Jaylin Lee
Robot and Hardware Design
- Jaylin played a key role in designing and implementing the robot's hardware architecture. From selecting components to crafting the physical structure, Jaylin ensured the robot's robustness and reliability in the arena navigation and target shooting tasks. His expertise in hardware design significantly contributed to the success of the project.
Garnett Goodacre
Coding and Algorithm Implementation
- Garnett was responsible for implementing the algorithms that govern both the automatic and manual operations of the robot. His proficiency in coding and software development played a crucial role in achieving precise navigation, target shooting, and optimizing the robot's speed. Garnett's coding skills were instrumental in bringing the project to life.