System that works as a queue to process 3D-print requests for a MakerSpace
- Clone repository
- Install Node.js v8.10
- Install JDK v1.8.0_161
- Install Gradle v4.6+
- Optionally Install MongoDB Community Edition v3.6.3
All instructions assume initial start at root of repository.
Back-End API
cd server/
- To run unit tests
gradle test
- To start API
gradle bootRun
- To GET data, go to http://localhost:8080/api while running server
- Alternatively use curl and see printer schema for format
Supported (but not fully tested) http commands are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
e.g.curl -v -X POST localhost:8080/api/requests -d '{"user": "kyteg", "comments": "Test Request", "forClass": "true", "requestItems": [{"fileName": "nerd.stl", "qty": 1337}]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Front-End Server
cd front-end/
npm update
npm start
- To look at the webpage that is run, go to localhost:3000, or follow the instructions on your command prompt.
Contact @GPKyte for info.
Requirements and Specifications listed here
Design and Implementation listed here