- The little Angle [sic] that supports shaders while saving your fps from a certain death -boubou
- Is it obtuse, or accute? -Caedis
- It's a cute angle -mitchej123
- It's the angel that pulls you out of OptiFine's hell -Roadhog360
- Shaders - Beta
- Complementary & BSL mostly function, but have some bugs
- Sildurs, Seus, and any other shader probably doesn't work
- UniMixins >= 0.1.19
- GTNHLib >= 0.6.6
- NOTE: Some mods are not required, but a specific version is required if present - see:
Permanent Incompatibilities
- Forge Relocation - Currently non Thread Safe; safe if not in use
- ProjectRed Frames - Currently non Thread Safe; safe if not in use
- EndlessIDs - Compat commits have been made, might work, might not - not fully tested
- FalseTweaks - Not currently planned (Looking for volunteers) [Might work if you effectively disable most of the mod]
- SmoothFont - Not currently planned (Looking for volunteers)
- RPLE - Not currently planned (Looking for volunteers)
- OptiFine [Disabled, won't fix]
- FastCraft [Disabled, won't fix]
- BetterFPS [Disabled, won't fix]
- OptimizationsAndTweaks [Disabled, won't fix]
- Amazing Trophies 1.2.1 and below - use 1.2.2+
- LWJGL3ify 1.5.4 and below - Use the latest version available, 1.5.7+
- ArchaicFix 0.6.2 and below - Use 0.7.0 or above
- Hodgepodge 2.4.3 and below - Use 0.4.5 or above
- CodeChickenCore/Lib <1.2.0 - Threading issues, use 1.3.0+
- Neodymium - Untested, but unlikely to be compatible. (Chunk Meshing is definitely incompatible, other features might work depending on config)
- ShadersMod
- Original ShadersMods: karyonix, sonic ether, id_miner, daxnitro
- eigenraven, Caedis, glowredman, and mitchej123 for the conversion of ASM to Mixin
- eigenraven and vlaetansky for getting the original ShadersMod compiling again
- ArchaicFix
- Includes graphic enhancements from ArchaicFix by embeddedt under the LGPL
- NotFine
- Includes modified version of NotFine by jss2a98aj under the LGPL
- Iris Shaders
- Sodium
- Reese's Sodium Options
- FlashyReese for Reese's Sodium Options under the MIT license
- Neodymium
- Makamys for Neodymium - Various Tessellator -> Quad functionality taken under the LGPL 3
- MCPatcherForge
- Original MCPatcher: Paul Rupe
- Forge version: Mist475 under LGPL 3.0 with default ctm textures for glass and bookshelves by DarkBum under CC-BY-SA
- HUDCaching
- Angelica
- mitchej123, Omni, Makamys, Embeddedt, NanoLive, Caedis, Cardinalstar, Alexdoru, Eigenraven, mist475, Clepto, kurrycat for helping get Angelica up and running!
- IMS, jss2a98aj, || dbp ||, roadhog360 for advice and moral support
- Forge 1.12+
- Some files have been taken from Minecraft Forge under the LGPL 2.1 license and are marked as such
- FRAPI and Indigo
- Model building API heavily inspired by/copied from Fabric's; upstream may use it under the original Apache 2.0
license, see LICENSE in
- Model building API heavily inspired by/copied from Fabric's; upstream may use it under the original Apache 2.0
license, see LICENSE in
- Dynamic Lights
- LambdAurora for LambDynamicLights under the MIT license, and the Forge port anthxnymc for DynamicLightsReforged, also under the MIT license
- Embeddedt and Ferri_Arnus for glsl-transformation-lib
- Also for work on Monocle which was used as a reference for implementing glsl-transformation-lib
- Code from both glsl-transformation-lib and Monocle taken under their respective LGPL 3.0 licenses
- FalseTweaks
- FalsePattern for FalseTweaks - Item Rendering Optimizations taken from FalseTweaks under the LGPL 3.0 license