goodintentions is a minimalist time tracking app designed to help people stick to daily and weekly intentions to spend time on specific activities. I wrote most of it over the course of a week in November 2017 as I started teaching myself swift. Since then I've been refactoring the project and working on a companion watch app. .
The base app is designed for an iPhone 6 running iOS 11.1. The watch app (which is not currently working) is was designed for an Apple Watch 3 running watchOS 4.2. Either app should work for other devices, but I have only been able to test that with the Xcode simulator.
I have not released the app on the app store yet so to install you will need to download the latest version of Xcode from Apple. You can download it here: (note: if you do not already have one, you will need to create an apple developer account)
Next fork and clone this repository and then open it from Xcode. From there you can run the app in the Xcode simulator or you can connect your own device and run it there.
Good intentions is a personal time tracking app that works in three simple steps:
- Set an intention to do something for a certain amount of time every day or week
- When you start spending time on an intention just select it from the home screen
- Unselect the intention when you’re done.
goodIntentions will keep track of how much time you have spent on each of our intentions and show you your progress with a simple pie chart. To help you keep focused on the present, your intention progress will automatically reset. This will happen every night at midnight for daily intentions and every Sunday at midnight for weekly intentions. This lets you continually renew your commitment to your intentions. If you ever want to remove an intention completely, just swipe left on it and select delete.