New pisibi and circuit for EM-sniffer, inspired by LOM's Elektrosluch (Error Static Zapper too), SOMA Ether, 1010 Detektor and Franzis' Bat-Detector and many others...
Goal: Make an affordable new and kinda modified / improved version of an EM sniffer in Yoygakarta, Indonesia. Use mainly parts that can be sourced locally on the common online shops or local stores.
- runs on 3V, LiPo, USB charging and / or powerbank
- single input / mono (mbe switched plug, to insert self-made antennas/coils)
- internal small speaker
- Volume knob
- Frequency shifting / demoluation of higher bandwidths to the audio range (with a knob to select bands)
- output mini-jack, 3.5mm
- beautifully crafted local teakwood casing
- ...
- dusjagr
- Fiky
- Ucok
- Uwe, the Opa Master
- Ralf, another Opa Master
Kicad version of the Fledermaus Detektor (bat-detector):
Based on a single chip dual channel bi-polar Audio Operational Amplifier, opa1612, can be replaced by cheaper more noisier TL074 (suchas the Error Zapper). Runs on 9V.
Seems to be a clone, cheaper version of the Elektrosluch. No credits given :-( Runs on 9V.
Based on a fist stage transistor amplification, and some kinda extra antenna on the board for higher frequency bands and a potentiomter for atenuation. Second stage with SSM2211 audio amplifier. Runs on 3V.
Based on AD8313 HF-detektor (kinda expensive) and fist stage amplification with LM358, second LM386. Runs on 4.5V.
Based on a first stage single transistor amplification, and a radio AM/FM chip CD2003 for high-frequency demodulation, frequency is adjusted with 555 timer. Final amplification stage with LM386. Original design runs on 9V, but lower voltage should work.