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This repository contains a basic python script to convert a .csv file generated by a GEOSTIX to .kml format for fast viewing on a map and quick quality checking (qc).

Table of Contents



Some tools need to be present on your system to run csv2kml-qc properly :


Under Linux (Ubuntu) distribution the installation procedure is as follows:

  1. Open a terminal

  2. Installing dependencies:

    sudo apt-get install git python3.10
  3. Clone csv2kml-qc repository:

    git clone [email protected]:Geobsys/csv2kml-qc.git
  4. Create a virtual environment:

    python3.10 -m venv venv_csv2kml-qc
  5. Activate the virtual environment:

    source venv_csv2kml-qc/bin/activate
  6. Install modules:

    Use the bash file for linux and macOS user or .bat file for windows user present in setup file.

    For Linux user, put these command in the terminal :

    chmod +x
    sudo ./

    For macOS user, put these command in the terminal :

    chmod +x
    sudo ./

    For Windows user, just double clic on the .bat.

    Or follow the install bellow :

    pip install simplekml pyproj shapely numpy pandas fiona gpsdatetime gnsstoolbox


To test csv2kml-qc:

  1. Access the main folder:

    cd csv2kml-qc
  2. Launch the tool with the default setting on the dataset example:

    python3.10 src/ test/EXTENVENT.LOG

    EXTENVENT.LOG is one of the enter files.

  3. Data format (CSV)

  • extevent: Choose "extevent" paramter for this format.
Time (s) Day State Latitude Longitude Height Planimetric uncertainty Height uncertainty Orientation X Orientaion Y Orianttion Z
time day state lat lon h incert_pla incert_hig oX oY oZ
222708 445,2285 R 45.519933813 6.680457525 1738.724 0.04 0.05 0.3585647 -0.0514448 0.1724559
  • log: Choose "log" parameter for this format.
Undifined 1 GNSS Undifined 2 Time (s) Date (jj/mm/annee) Hour (h:mn:s) State Latitude Longitude Height Planimetric uncertainty Height uncertainty
uk1 GNSS uk2 time date hour state lat lon h incert_pla incert_hig
1 GNSS 2 481467.100 "23/02/2024" "13:44:27.100" "N" 48.845234261 2.423569332 132.608 22.01 47.68
  1. Parameters
    • import parameters: Define the format of the import file in the enter of the programm.
Command Name Type Description Default value Choices value
-it input file string input file type between 'extevent' and 'log' "extevent" ["extevent", "log"]
-sep separator string separator used in the .csv file ","
  • export parameters: Define the format of the export file in the end of the programm.
Command Name Type Description Default value
-o output file string output file in .kml format ""
-name doc_name string kml document name ""
--quiet print some statistics
  • apearance parameters: User can choose the representation of the point (mode, label and icon size in the kml)
Command Name Type Description Default value Choice value
-m mode string representation mode "icon" ["icon"]
-ls label_scale float label scale let you modify the size of the label 2
-is icon_scale float icon scale let you modify the size of the icon 1
-ih icon_href string marker in the kml icon
--show_pt_name action="store_true" Hide the points names
  • general parameters: User can modify the number of data and the altitude in the representation of the object (relitveground or absolute).
Command Name Type Description Default value Choice value
-dr data_range string Range of data from start (s), to end (e), with a step (t) : (s,e,t). e and t are optionnal. This allow you to decimate the number of the point '(0,-1,100)'
-am altitude mode string See simplekml .Altitudemode (absolute, relativeToGround, clampToGround). This define the mode of the altitude's representation "absolute" ["absolute", "relativeToGround", "clampToGround"]
  • Point: User can choose to show to visualize or not the points.
Command Action Description
--show_point action="store_false" "Don't show points"
  • Line: User can choose to show to visualize or not the lines.
Command Action Description
--show_line action="store_false" "Don't show the lines between the points"
  • Confidence interval: User can choose to visualize or not the confidence intervals. There are represent as 3D pyramids. He can also choose a scale factor for planimetric and altimetric uncertainty. If there are too big uncertaintyn he can add a maximum value for them.
Command Name Type Description Default value
--show_conf_int action="store_false" Don't show the confidence interval
-sp scale_factor_pla float Scale factor for planimetric uncertainty. 1
-mp incert_pla_max float Maximum planimetric uncertainty np.nan
-sh scale_factor_hig float Scale factor for altimetric uncertainty. 1
-mh incert_hig_max float Maximum altimetric uncertainty np.nan
  • Buildings: If the user wants, he can create a 3D model for the buildings in the study aera by adding a shapefile of the aera.
Command Name Type Description Default value Condition
-departments departments string Input folder where shp building file is stocked, or directly the file path. Warning, if there is others file in the folder, the programm will chose the first one by alphabet to define the schema, and then look to the others for the intersection if the both schema match. The user have to choose and download himself the right shapefile on BD-TOPO which correspond to his study area. ""
--show_buildings action="store_false" Don't show the show_buildings Used only if there is a shapefile in enter
-margin margin float margin (in geographical degres) around the workfield for building modelisation 0.001 Used only if there is a shapefile in enter
--save_buildings action="store_true" If you want to save the shp file of your buildings, you can provide a folder path and name. If the name is 'intersection', it will not be saved. Used only if there is a shapefile in enter
  • Ephemerids: If you want to know the number of satellite seen by a point at its acquisition date, you can add a rinex file which correspond at the right date.
Command Name Type Description Default value
--calc_ephemerids action="store_false" Don't calculate the ephemerids
-rn rinex_name string Path of the observation or navigation rinex file ""
  • Frustum: If you want to creat the frustum of the picture. These allow you to visualize the orientation of the sensors when taking a photo
Command Name Type Description Default value
--show_orientation action="store_false" Don't show frustum
-fr_captor frustum captor float half-size of the near face of the frustum 1
-fr_focal frustum focal float focal distance 10
-fr_distance frustum distance float distance between the near plane et the far plane 5
-fr_alpha alpha angle (frustum) float angle between camera reference frame and geographical reference frame aroud 'x' axe 0
-fr_beta beta angle (frustum) float angle between camera reference frame and geographical reference frame around 'y' 0
-fr_gamma gamma angle (frustum) float angle between camera reference frame and geographical reference frame around 'z' axe 0
  1. Open the file XXX.kml on Google Earth viewer, you can decide to show the buildings, the traces, the points and the measured intervals through the top left window. By clicking on a point, you can see all its characteristics.


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