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First, check out the tutorials if you haven't already. They explain all of these concepts in greater depth.


Apostrophe sites are powered by Apostrophe modules. Each module is responsible for providing one feature, such as a type of widget, a type of customized page, or a service like pushing assets to the browser. Apostrophe has many standard modules which provide its core features.

A module can extend ("subclass") another module, and most of the modules you create at "project level" will. All modules implicitly extend apostrophe-module, which provides a rich set of core conveniences, like rendering templates or pushing assets relative to your module's folder.

Modules created at "project level" live in subdirectories of /lib/modules. Code and configuration for a module lives in /lib/modules/MODULE-NAME/index.js and can be overridden in app.js via the modules property of the main Apostrophe configuration object. It is also common to override a few settings on a per-server basis via data/local.js, which is merged with that object if it exists.

Apostrophe modules can also be distributed as npm modules, whether by themselves or as moog bundles. Bundling allows you to distribute several related Apostrophe modules as one npm module. The apostrophe npm module itself is a bundle.

Each module may have its own views folder and easily render templates from it or push CSS and JS assets from public/css and public/js folders.


A document in Apostrophe's database. Each doc is a MongoDB document in the aposDocs collection.

Docs may contain areas, and may also contain other properties, often as described by a schema configured by a doc type manager, such as a module that extends apostrophe-pieces, apostrophe-custom-pages or apostrophe-pieces-pages.

At a minimum, a doc has unique _id and slug properties. The type property determines what other behaviors it might have. The apostrophe-docs module provides methods for working with docs, including the method, which returns a reference to the module suited to working with that type of document.


A doc which does not have a permanent home of its own in the page tree. Pieces are managed by modules that extend apostrophe-pieces. The apostrophe-pieces module is an "abstract base class;" you never use it directly, you always extend it, creating a module that defines a new type of piece.

See also apostrophe-pieces-pages, which provides a way to create an "index page" that acts as a public view of pieces. These index pages can be locked down to display only certain pieces based on tags, et cetera.

Think of it this way: the index page is the "calendar," the individual piece is the "event." It may be appropriate to display that event on one or more calendars around the site.

Also see apostrophe-pieces-widgets, which makes it easy to introduce widgets on any page that display one or more pieces. Think of a "callout" that displays upcoming events on the home page.

The schema of each piece can be easily customized with extra fields, and even with "joins" to other types of docs.


A doc which is part of the page tree. It may potentially have child pages. The slug begins with /, which is only true for pages. A page also has path, rank and depth properties that help make its relationship to other pages in the tree clear.

path differs from slug in that it always reflects the true parent-child relationships between pages in the tree, while slug can be edited and shortened if desired so that URLs don't have to contain a lot of slashes to reach a deep page.

All page types that are allowed on the site must be listed as part of the types option of the apostrophe-pages module.

Often page types are given extra behavior via the apostrophe-custom-pages module, which allows the developer to handle the rest of the URL if a page matches just the beginning of a URL. This module is extended by apostrophe-pieces-pages, used to power blogs and other index views of apostrophe-pieces.

global doc

There is a doc with the slug global which is always loaded and available to your page templates as This is useful for shared, site-wide headers and footers that are editable, etc. It is managed by the apostrophe-global module. There is no rule against creating other specialized docs if pieces, pages and global don't cover your use cases.


A widget is a single item of content that can be edited, such as a block of rich text, a slideshow, or an RSS feed widget. You can create entirely new types of widgets by extending the apostrophe-widgets module. You can also easily create widgets that display a particular type of piece by extending apostrophe-pieces-widgets.


An area is simply a column in which you can add as many widgets as you like. Each individual widget might be a rich text block, a Twitter feed, a slideshow, etc. Users can add, edit, move and remove widgets from the area freely. Usually they are stacked vertically but nothing prevents you from using CSS to float the widgets, etc.

Areas are inserted into your templates using the apos.area nunjucks helper function.

Areas are implemented by the apostrophe-areas module.


A singleton is like an area but only allows exactly one widget, of exactly one type. This is helpful if you want to ensure there is exactly one video or exactly one slideshow at a specific place in your design. Singletons are inserted with apos.singleton. "Under the hood," a singleton is just an area with limit: 1.


In Nunjucks templates, a block is a portion of a template that can be overridden in a template that extends it. This is a useful technique in page templates and when overriding just part of a modal's template.

In older versions of Apostrophe, blocks were a special feature for creating a higher level of organization on the page, above widgets, in order to allow users to alternate between two- and one-column sections of a page and so on.

In Apostrophe 2.0, a widget template can contain its own apos.area calls in which the widget itself is passed in place of a doc, creating nested areas. So there is no need for a separate "blocks" feature.


Apostrophe uses the Nunjucks template language to render webpages and smaller pieces of pages, such as widgets and blocks. Nunjucks shares a syntax with the Jinja and Twig languages which are popular in the Python and PHP worlds, respectively.


A schema allows you to specify the fields that are part of a particular type of doc. Schemas can also be used to specify the fields for widgets and other kinds of objects.

Apostrophe's schemas are used both to automatically create an editing interface and to sanitize and save data on the server side. Commonly used field types include strings, integers, floats, select elements and "joins," which allow relationships with other doc types to be defined.

Schemas are built by using the addFields, removeFields, arrangeFields and alterFields options when configuring any module that extends apostrophe-pieces, apostrophe-custom-pages or apostrophe-widgets.

Here is a simple example in which we add a required "author" string field to the schema for "stories," a module that extends apostrophe-pieces:

// lib/modules/stories/index.js in our project
module.exports = {
  extend: 'apostrophe-pieces',
  name: 'story',
  addFields: [
      name: 'author',
      type: 'string',
      required: true

See the apostrophe-schemas module documentation for more information.


In Apostrophe schemas, a "join" describes a relationship with another type of doc. Here is an example of a "by array" join, also known as a "one to many" relationship.

Let's say we're implementing a module for a creative agency called "services," a subclass of apostrophe-pieces in which each piece represents a service that the agency offers.

But not every service is offered in every office. So we define a join from services to offices via the addFields option:

addFields: [
    type: 'joinByArray',
    name: '_offices',
    label: 'Offices',
    // Optional since it can be inferred from the name of the join
    withType: 'office'

The editing interface for this join allows the user to pick offices to associate with this service.

When writing templates, the developer is then able to access a ._offices array as a property of each service.

See the apostrophe-schemas module documentation for more information about joins.

Moog type

"Moog types" (think "classes" in other systems) provide a clean way to implement object-oriented code when asynchronous callbacks are in play, as they nearly always are in both server-side and browser-side JavaScript. With Moog, all methods are written inside a single closure where self always means the right thing, even in callbacks. This allows methods to be passed freely as callbacks and reduces "cognitive load" for async developers.

moog is an implementation of object-oriented functional programming used throughout Apostrophe. In server-side code, Apostrophe depends on the moog-require module.

Moog provides separate beforeConstruct, construct and afterConstruct stages for each object.

beforeConstruct(self, options) is called from the "bottom up," subclasses first, allowing them a chance to modify the options passed when creating a module or other object before base classes like apostrophe-pieces see them.

construct(self, options) is called next and is typically where methods are attached to the self object. It is considered bad form to actually invoke methods in construct, because this prevents subclasses from overriding those methods first.

afterConstruct(self) is called last, but often appears first in the source code, which allows for "top-down programming" in which you can easily read what a module or other type does when "starting up" before you delve into the guts of all of its methods. Unlike the other two, afterConstruct does not take options as a second argument. Forgetting this is a common source of bugs.

beforeConstruct, construct and afterConstruct can optionally take a callback. But there is no requirement that all or any of them take a callback. This allows developers to write afterConstruct methods that need to reach out to MongoDB and create a connection or do something similar without inconveniencing the authors of other types that don't need to do anything asynchronous. You can mix and match between asynchronous and synchronous code even when extending another type.

On the server side, simply configuring a module is enough to make a new moog type. For types that are not modules, you can also make moog types explicitly on the server side by calling apos.define, which is a convenience wrapper for apos.synth.define. This is done to define types like cursors. apos.synth is the server's instance of moog.

On the browser side, apos.define is the norm, and is used to define types for modals and the like. apos.create is used to create actual instances of a type.


In Apostrophe, the term "subclass" refers to a module or other moog type that uses the extend property to extend another module, creating a new module that inherits the features of the first module. Almost every module extends another module. Those that don't set the extend property default to extending apostrophe-module, the "base class" of all modules.

Base class

A moog type that is extended by another, whether explicitly (using the extend property) or by default (on the server side, apostrophe-module is the default base class of all modules that don't specify one).

Implicit subclassing

Frequently used in Apostrophe, implicit subclassing or "anonymous subclassing" is a feature of moog that makes extending modules and other types much more convenient.

Let's say we want to extend every piece in our project with a special "approved by Bob" checkbox field.

We'll just create lib/modules/apostrophe-pieces/index.js:

module.exports = {
  beforeConstruct: function(self, options) {
    options.addFields = [
        name: 'approvedByBob',
        label: 'Approved by Bob',
        type: 'boolean'
    ].concat(options.addFields || []);

When we do this, Apostrophe asks Moog to define apostrophe-pieces again.

Moog recognizes that there is already a definition, creates a new subclass of it with our code, and ensures that anyone extending apostrophe-pieces will extend our new subclass, not the original.

This is similar to the "categories" feature of Objective C.

While this feature is very useful, on rare occasions you might want to avoid it and completely throw out the implementation of a type, or extend a different type. You can do that by explicitly setting extend. You should never set extend if what you want is an implicit subclass.


Apostrophe cursors, like MongoDB cursors, help us get docs from the database using convenient, chainable methods. The syntax is very similar to MongoDB, with a few changes for consistency and extensibility.

New chainable methods ("filters") for cursors can be conveniently added using the addFilter method of cursors. This should be done in a constructor for a subclass. As a convenience, definitions for cursor subclasses are automatically autoloaded from the lib/cursor.js file of any module that extends apostrophe-pieces, apostrophe-pieces-pages or apostrophe-doc-type-manager.

Cursors can also be called automatically. Many cursor filters provide a sanitize function and have a safeFor: 'public' setting. This allows them to be called automatically by the index view of apostrophe-pieces-pages when the appropriate query string parameters appear. Often this is the main motivation for adding a filter.

A cursor is always an instance of apostrophe-cursor or one of its subclasses. The right way to obtain one is via the find method of a doc type manager, such as a module that extends pieces.

Every cursor object obtained in this way automatically has methods with the same name as each field in the schema. For instance, you can write .slug('party').toArray(function(err, docs) { ... }) to find all docs with a slug (URL) that contains the word party.

See working with cursors for more information. and the data object in Nunjucks

Anything attached to the object becomes visible as the data object in Nunjucks templates when rendering pages, etc. Interesting properties that are usually or always present include:

  • outerLayout: will be either apostrophe-templates:outerLayout.html (for normal page rendering) or apostrophe-templates:refreshLayout.html (when refreshing the main content area via AJAX)
  • permissions: will be the contents of req.user._permissions, with boolean properties for permissions such as admin and edit, or {} if there is no user
  • refreshing: true if an AJAX refresh of the main content area is taking place
  • query: the contents of req.query
  • url: the current URL
  • page: the current page object (if appropriate; certain routes, like /login, render HTML pages but are not tied to any page in Apostrophe)
  • home: the home page, typically with a populated ._children property
  • global: a doc which may be used for elements common to all pages, like global footers

Promise Events

On the server side, Apostrophe emits promise events at various points in the life cycle of a document or page, such as:

  • Inserting a document
  • Updating a document
  • Sending a page to the browser

Your code can listen for any promise event, such as apostrophe-pages:beforeSend, in order to do extra work at that point.

The main advantages of promise events are:

  • Your handler may be an async function, or simply return a promise, and Apostrophe will wait for that to resolve before continuing to the next handler, sending the page, etc.
  • Since handler names may not be identical to event names, collisions between handlers in parent modules and their subclass modules are rare.
  • Unlike traditional event emitters, promise event handlers do have names, so you may still intentionally override them.

super pattern

In any object-oriented language, it's common to inherit methods from the type you're extending. Sometimes you want to override those methods... but you don't want to completely discard or duplicate them. Instead, you want to call them and then change the result, or call them first before carrying out some action of your own.

In Apostrophe, we follow the "super pattern" to do this. For instance, let's say we're extending a module that extends apostrophe-pieces. Both modules might have a beforeShow method, and we don't want to lose it. So let's capture the old one, call it from the new one, and then do our own work:

var superBeforeShow = self.beforeShow;

self.beforeShow = function(req, callback) {
  return superBeforeShow(req, function(err) {
    if (err) {
      return callback(err);
    // DO OUR OWN WORK HERE, then eventually...
    return callback(null);