SIMP is a small system for gathering large amounts of snmp data.
The pacakge contains both a collector and a data service interface. A multi-process collector gathers SNMP data from a set of hosts and puts that data into a redis database. A set of data services then provides access to this data via RabbitMQ.
You will need a redis and rabbit server, accesible to the SIMP daemons.
For now, you should have redis and rabbitmq installed locally and running. --config /etc/simp/poller/config.xml --logging /etc/simp/poller/logging.conf --user simp --group simp
The config files controls collection interval, and the number of workers to use and what to collect.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Simp-Poller Main Configuration -->
<!-- Redis host connection information -->
<redis ip="" port="6379" reconnect="60" reconnect_every="500" read_timeout="2" write_timeout="3" />
<!-- How long to keep data in Redis before purging (seconds) -->
<purge interval="3600" />
<!-- Default num of results to get per SNMP request -->
<request_size results="15" />
<!-- Where to write status files -->
<status dir="/var/lib/simp/poller/" />
You will need at least one group definition in /etc/simp/poller/groups.d. Here is an example all_interfaces.xml group.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<group workers="1" interval="60" timeout="15">
<mib oid="" /> <!-- inHCbytes -->
<mib oid="" /> <!-- outHCbytes -->
<mib oid="" /> <!-- inerror -->
<mib oid="" /> <!-- outerror -->
<mib oid="" /> <!-- inUcast -->
<mib oid="" /> <!-- outUcast -->
<mib oid="" /> <!-- indiscard -->
<mib oid="" /> <!-- outdiscard -->
<mib oid="" /> <!-- ifAdminStatus -->
<mib oid="" /> <!-- ifOperStatus -->
<mib oid="" /> <!-- ifName -->
<mib oid="" /> <!-- ifAlias -->
And you need a file in /etc/simp/poller/hosts.d to define the device collections. The group id must match the file name in /etc/simp/poller/groups.d.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Connecticut Education 24x7-mem nodes -->
<host name="" ip="" community="its_a_secret_to_everyone" snmp_version="2c">
<group id="all_interfaces" />
/usr/bin/ --config /etc/simp/data/config.xml --logging /etc/simp/data/logging.conf --user simp --group simp
The config is similar to that used by the poller with less details required.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Simp-Data Main Config -->
<config workers="4">
<redis ip="" port="6379" reconnect="60" reconnect_every="500" read_timeout="2" write_timeout="3" />
<rabbitmq ip="" port="5672" user="guest" password="guest" />
/usr/bin/ --config /etc/simp/comp/config.xml --logging /etc/simp/comp/logging.conf --user simp --group simp
Config example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<config workers="4">
<rabbitmq ip="" port="5672" user="guest" password="guest" />