An open-source, self-hosted note-taking solution designed for seamless deployment and multi-platform access. Experience effortless plain text writing with pain-free, complemented by robust Markdown syntax support for enhanced formatting.
This fork attempts to allow Memos to run under a subpath of the host server. The motive behind this effort is to be able to run Memos behind a reverse proxy that multiplexes based on the HTTP path prefix rather than the domain name.
At present, this fork of Memos serves the frontend and the API endpoints under the /memos/
subpath of its server (i.e. at instead of
The reverse proxy must be configured to catch requests to /memos/
and forward
them unaltered to the memos server.
The following examples assume Memos is listening on port 8081.
Caddy example (this goes in your Caddyfile)
handle /memos/* {
reverse_proxy :8081
Nginx example (this goes in your nginx.conf)
Note: I do not use the Nginx setup anymore, although I once did. Use at your own risk.
http {
server {
# Memos
location /memos/ {
- Sometimes, when visiting, Memos fails to load, with the following error
(or similar) on the webpage:
However, visiting and then navigating from there works just fine.
Unexpected Application Error! r is undefined
- Configurable subpath, rather than hardcoded
For more information about Memos that isn't specific to this fork, refer the upstream's README. Enjoy!