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Frequently Asked Questions

gdude2002 edited this page Dec 23, 2014 · 28 revisions

This is a list of questions that come up a lot. We hope to be able to provide answers to these oft-asked questions here. If you feel that we're missing a question, you can comment on ticket #560.

If you've gone through this page and still can't find the answer to your question, you may create a new ticket with your problem, or join us on IRC and talk to someone directly. If you decide to do the latter, please remember that people are busy and may take some time to respond.

Table of contents

Legal stuff

Disclaimer: We are not lawyers, we're programmers. You should use the information pertaining to this section as a guideline, rather than a basis for your legal arguments in court.

If I use Glowstone, do I still have to follow the EULA?

Simply put: Yes, of course!

Glowstone is a Minecraft server - that is to say, it implements the Minecraft protocol, is designed to work with Minecraft clients, and allows users to play Minecraft with other users. Anyone that plays Minecraft in any capacity or runs a service that works with Minecraft players is required to follow the Minecraft EULA.

If you feel that this is incorrect, we suggest that you seek professional legal counsel before inadvertently breaking the EULA.


Failed to bind to address. Maybe it is already in use?

22:24:15 [SEVERE] Error during server startup.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to bind to address. Maybe it is already in use?
        at net.glowstone.GlowServer.bind(
        at net.glowstone.GlowServer.main(

This error means that you've already got a server running on the port that you've configured. When starting the server, please make sure you do so by following the methods in the installation instructions, instead of double-clicking the JAR. If you do double-click the JAR, the server will start up, but you won't have any console, so you'll have to kill it using the task manager or whatever process management tools are relevant to your system.

  • If you're converting from Bukkit, make sure you've stopped the old Bukkit server, if you plan to use the same port.
  • Make sure you're not running more than one copy of Glowstone on the same port.
  • Check that you have no extra Java processes running. If you're on Windows, use the Task Manager. You might not want to kill some of them, such as the minecraft client.
  • If this still isn't working, please check whether you have an ip set in the server section of your config/glowstone.yml file.
    • If you do, please consider that most people will not need this entry - it's only useful for people running large servers with multiple network cards. In the majority of cases, you can simply remove this line from your file.
    • If you're convinced that you need it, it should contain only an IP address - usually of the form a.b.c.d, from up to for IPv4.

Unsupported major.minor version

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: net/glowstone/GlowServer : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

This error means that you're running a Java version older than Java 7, and you'll need to update. On Windows and Linux, this should be fairly self-explanatory, but Mac OSX users may find that they've already upgraded Java. If you use Mac OSX, then you should follow this excellent guide.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.server or org.bukkit.craftbukkit

17:25:12 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins/MassiveCore.jar' in folder 'plugins'
org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/server/v1_7_R4/PlayerInventory

This error is caused by plugins whose developers refused or were unable to use pure Bukkit classes when writing their plugins, and instead used CraftBukkit or internal Minecraft classes to achieve the functionality they needed.

These plugins are often called "impure" plugins, and aren't technically Bukkit plugins at all. They will not work with Glowstone. You will have to ask the developer of the plugin to add Glowstone support, or fix the plugin yourself, if you're able to.

You can find more information on the supported plugins at this wiki page.

Bugs & features

World generation is broken!

Standard Glowstone world generation screenshot

Glowstone is a completely custom server software - that means that it does not use any of the Minecraft code. Craftbukkit (commonly known as Bukkit) heavily used internal Minecraft code for a lot of the things that it does, and this includes world generation.

As Glowstone doesn't, and can't, use the relevant Minecraft code, it does not generate worlds in the same way. As of now (20th November 2014), the default Glowstone world generator is a very simple one that was implemented as a test.

You should be able to use any pure custom world generation plugin that supports Bukkit. As ever, you can get an idea of the plugins that are compatible at this wiki page.

There are currently ongoing efforts to bring a better default world generator to Glowstone. You can check in on these at ticket #580.

A plugin that uses SQL or some other library doesn't work!

[SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\SimpleSpawnLite-Core.jar' in folder 'plugins'
org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Problem loading Database Driver [org.sqlite.JDBC]: org.sqlite.JDBC
Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Problem loading Database Driver [org.sqlite.JDBC]: org.sqlite.JDBC
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.sqlite.JDBC

See the Library Management page to fix this.

By default, Craftbukkit included several libraries that made writing certain types of plugins slightly easier. Some of these libraries were database drivers (JDBC) like MySQL or SQLite. To keep things lightweight, Glowstone does not include them by default, so you'll have to install and set them up yourself.

We are currently working on a better, more user-friendly way of doing this.

[Insert feature here] doesn't work!

Glowstone is a completely custom server software - that means that it does not use any of the Minecraft code. Craftbukkit (commonly known as Bukkit) heavily used internal Minecraft code for a lot of the things that it does.

As Glowstone doesn't, and can't, use the relevant Minecraft code for anything it implements, all of the features you'd expect from a Minecraft server must be rewritten from scratch.

As a result, Glowstone development is a little slow for some people's tastes, and leaves many new users somewhat confused. While we are working to be a complete Minecraft server replacement, these things take time, and so we encourage you to check out this wiki page about current features.