GomocupJudge is a new manager for Gomocup under development.
- Tested in Python 3.8
- The server and clients communicate through socket.
- At any time, a client runs at most 1 match.
- Pondering is not allowed (AI's process is suspended when it is not thinking)
- Max folder size is 70MB
server: engine exist md5 [ai's md5]
client: no
server: engine send [ai's filename, encoded in base64] [ai's file(exe/zip), encoded in base64]
client: received
server: engine exist md5 [ai's md5]
client: yes
server: match new [ai1's md5] [ai2's md5] [timeout_turn(ms)] [timeout_match(ms)] [rule] [tolerance(ms)] [opening, encoded in pos] [board_size] [max_memory(bytes)]
client: ok
client: match finished [game record, encoded in base64] [ais' messages, encoded in base64] [result: 0 draw, 1 black win, 2 white win] [end by: 0 draw/five, 1 foul, 2 timeout, 3 illegal coordinate, 4 crash]
server: received
server: set real_time_pos 1
client: ok
server: set real_time_message 1
client: ok
client: pos [the latest move, encoded in base64]
server: received
client: message [the latest message, encoded in base64]
server: received
server: pause
client: ok
server: continue
client: ok
server: terminate
client: ok
server: set check_pondering 1
client: ok
- Start a new thread for each match instance