R package to encrypt R objects with AES encryption (relies on openSSL).
This package masks the load
and save
functions from base
for convenience.
Install the package
Use save
to save objects to a file, when no password is specified you will be asked for a password.
save(really_sensitive_data, file = "path/to/file", password = "the password")
Use load
to load objects from the file, and store them in the Global environment or in a list.
objs <- list()
load("path/to/file", envir = objs, password = "the password")
Note that load()
and save()
mask the functions from the base
If you want to save your data to a file without a password, make sure you call the right function.
Or use lower-level functions such as saveRDS()
and readRDS()
from the base
objs <- list()
# calls encryptr::load, alternative is to not library() the encryptr package at all and do encryptr::load() instead of load() to avoid the masking
load("path/to/file", envir = objs, password = "the password")
base::save(objs, file = "path/to/file")