A Pure Brooklyn YAML blueprint to deploy a cluster of Elasticsearch nodes.
Currently you can customize the following configuration:
- install.version: The version of elasticsearch to install
- elasticsearch.http.port: The port that Elasticsearch nodes will listen on for HTTP requests
- elasticsearch.tcp.port: The port that Elasticsearch nodes will listen on for TCP requests
- cluster.initial.size: The number of elasticsearch nodes to create
- elasticsearch.user: The username of the root elastic search user
- elasticsearch.password: The password for the root elastic search user
To create a cluster of Elasic search nodes with a single load balanced http entry point, you can put an NginX proxy in front of the entity with a blueprint like this:
location: my-location
name: Elastic Search Cluster
- type: elasticsearch
id: elasticsearch
name: Elastic Search Nodes
- type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.proxy.nginx.NginxController
id: nginx
name: Load Balancer (nginx)
proxy.http.port: 9220
loadbalancer.serverpool: $brooklyn:entity("elasticsearch")
nginx.sticky: false
- type: org.apache.brooklyn.enricher.stock.Propagator
producer: $brooklyn:entity("nginx")
- main.uri
- main.uri.mapped.subnet
- main.uri.mapped.public