golang project provided to handle mailer service and has been integrated with rabbitmq
, on channel mailer_queue
and templateing with file .html
, for provider sending email using smtp2go for the testing with template of .env
is ready on this project,
the project using enqueue
concept that set in file rabbitmq/rabbitmq.go
will be automatically send message
after consumming message from channel set on file .env
for example of list template email to send you can see in file templates/*_template.html
for the lsit of template that will using message with variable tag
on the message from channel for list of tag
you can see at the file handlers/handlers.go
and here this of list the tag
1. login
2. send_code
3. reset_password
4. api_key
that must be the same name on file templates/*_template.html
, and if you want to customize the project you can update the file list
1. handlers -> file to handle tag of message from consuming message from queue
2. interfaces -> file to handling interfaces message like all variable they have
3. mailes -> file to handling send mail with configuration template from message
4. rabbitmq -> file to handling configuration of queue and subcribe to channel has been declared on rabbitmq queue
5. templates -> file to handling templating style to show for user
6. token -> file to handling decrypted message jwt from queue channel
flow of system on this project just like this :
the flow of system is started from your project
-> publish message json to rabbitmq channel when has been encrypted with jwt private key (example of json you see after this)
-> mailer service subcribe to channel and consume the message
-> message will decrypted first to check the tag
-> system will generate template of message with using json message after decryption
-> system will send message to target email
project will using dual decrypted when first decrypted
is for to get tag
group that using Record
interfaces and then project will decrypt again using file in interfaces
to get list of json messages when is suitable on tag and handlers
example of json data
record: {
email: string, // email address user
tag: string, // tag is for description to generate file
subject: string // subject of message to subject on email send
iss: 'name_project',
iat: <Time on Integer>,
exp: <Time on Integer>,
jti: SecureRandom.hex(10)
Setup for this project is simple, you must prepare the configuration on file .env
, configuration channel on the rabbitmq
, the list of configuration you must following the step :
- RabbitMQ
configuration rabbitmq you can follow this link https://www.rabbitmq.com/download.html
or you want to easly install RabbitMQ configuration you can running command on your terminal using
$ cd config && docker-compose up -Vd
after your config for rabbitmq installation don't forget to update sthe file .env
on variable RABBITMQ_HOST
with host to your rabbitmq
has installed
- Channel configuration
Channel configration you can using file in config/rabbitmq_channel.yaml
on your project because this project just for consuming from config channel when you set in rabbitmq
you can create channel in rabbitmq in exchange
and queue
and don't forget to set the queue_name
when you has been config in file .env
Mailer using github.com/go-mail/mail
for the package and for the configuration you can set in file .env
on list variable in below
SMTP_HOST={smtp host }
SMTP_PORT={ smtp port }
SMTP_USER={ smtp username }
SMTP_PASS={ smtp password }
SMTP_SENDER_EMAIL={ smtp sender email }
SMTP_SENDER_NAME={ smttp sender name }
don't forget to change that smtp configuration
with your smtp mailer you have, but on sender email
must using activated email
like [email protected]
or something else, if you want to customize that configuration you can change in file mailers/mailers.go
configuration jwt is easy, you just need to generate
the jwt_public_key
and jwt_private_key
and set the algorithm
on file .env
, you can follow the step :
- Generate Private Key
$ openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem
- Generate Public Key
$ openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -pubout -out public_key.pem
but in this project you must to convert that file output to base64
configuration private_key
or public_key
- Convert private key to base64
$ openssl base64 -in private_key.pem
- Convert Public key to base64
$ openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -pubout -outform DER | openssl base64 -A
after that you can set that private_key
on your project to protect the message from your project for executing on this mailer-service
, and for mailer-service
you can must to using that public_key
to decrypted the message from your project
after consuming channel has you declared in file .env
setup notification is using firebase with get server key
the base config of notification is on folder notificaiton/notification.go
format payload on jwt encode is
"record": {
"users": {
"email": "<email_user>",
"device_token": [
"title": "<string>",
"message": "<string>"
"sub": "<string>",
"aud": "'<string>'",
"iss": "<string>",
"iat": "timestamp",
"exp": "timestamp",
"jti": "generateString"
project mailer-service you can run using the following command
download all depenencies project using the following command
$ go mod download
completely setup configuration for your project
after all is ready, run the following command
$ go run mailer.go
$ go run push_notif.go