- Qt stable version is tested on Qt4.x for windows-mingw 32bit
- Qt stable version is tested on Qt4.x for ubuntu-linux-gcc 64bit
- Qt stable version is tested on Qt5.x for windows-msvc 32bit
- Qt stable version is tested on Qt5.x for windows-msvc 64bit
- Qt stable version is tested on Qt5.x for windows-mingw 32bit
- Qt stable version is tested on Qt5.x for ubuntu-linux-gcc 64bit
- Qt stable version is tested on Qt6.x for windows-mingw 64bit
- Qt stable version is tested on Qt6.x for ubuntu-linux-gcc 64bit
Platform | Qt & Compiler | Status |
Linux | 4.x GCC & 5.x GCC & 6.x GCC | |
Windows | 4.x GCC & 5.x GCC & 6.x GCC | |
Windows | 5.x MSVC | |
OS X | Clang |
TTKDownloader是基於Licence GPL v3條款授權的免費軟件。如果您使用TTKDownloader或者它的動態庫,則務必添加相關許可證到項目中。
Gitee鏡像下載地址: https://gitee.com/Greedysky/TTKDownloader
Github鏡像下載地址: https://github.com/Greedysky/TTKDownloader
皮膚下載地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mh7AeG4
- 支持文件斷點續傳
- 支持迅雷、快車、QQ等鏈接下載
- This file is part of the TTK Downloader project.
- Copyright (C) 2015 - 2025 Greedysky Studio.
- Mail: [email protected].
- Fork this project on github and make a branch. Commit in that branch, and push, then create a pull request to be reviewed and merged.
- Create an issue if you have any problem when using project or you find a bug, etc.
- What you can do: translation, write document, wiki, find or fix bugs, give your idea for this project etc.
- If you want to join the project developed together, please send e-mail to me.