Game Programming Final Project 2024
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PixelPutt is a 2d puzzle golf game. Players must navigate through the objstacles and different terrain throughout the levels to get in the hole with the least amount of strokes.
Players begin at a certain place in the level. By draging their mouse when on top of the golf ball, they can choose the orientation and force of their shot. Throughout the levels will be obstacles, static ones like boxes and dynamic like moving spikes. When the player shoots the ball in the hole, he navigates to the title screen to choose his next puzzle!
- Nice Menu Page
- Nice Shop Page
- Controllable ball hit (Can only control the ball when dragged from it and while it's not moving)
- Intricate Level designs (x3)
- Static & Dynamic obstacles (Boxes, LockBoxes, Spikes, Moving Spikes)
- Different terrain (Grass, Slowing Sand)
- Secret hole (x1)
- Animated Flag
- Gold, Silver, Bronze Borders (Depending on amount of strokes taken for the level)
- Prize when all 3 levels are gold
- Menu Button during PlayState
- Factory Design for Forms creation
- Bar bug: If you die to moving spike, force bar will stay
- Passing Between Forms: You can pass between forms composing the map if you shot hard enough when 2 forms collide
I took inspiration from super stickman golf game for the layout of the game and dunk shot for the force arrow.