A World of Warcraft Dragonflight emulator. (Always on latest patch.) Download on mega.nz: https://mega.nz/file/ssAh0J4T#aKN0eWl1gAbcpB8xHkwHhI_nHyXRpwjzd3RsLY6LYfQ
*Note: For cpp scripts use \src\server\scripts\DekkCore\ folder! For sql updates use sql/dragonflight/dekkcore/updates folder! All this for being able to use db auto update & availability to merge with TrinityCore!
[Database] Is in base folder
[Client Data] Use extractors
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DekkCore is a MMORPG Framework based mostly in C++.
It is derived from MaNGOS, the Massive Network Game Object Server, and is based on the code of that project with extensive changes over time to optimize, improve and cleanup the codebase at the same time as improving the in-game mechanics and functionality.
It is completely open source; community involvement is highly encouraged.
Software requirements are available in the wiki for Windows, Linux and macOS.
Detailed installation guides are available in the wiki for Windows, Linux and macOS.
Issues can be reported via the Github issue tracker.
Please take the time to review existing issues before submitting your own to prevent duplicates.
Read file COPYING.
Read file AUTHORS.