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Installation of development environment

Axel Guckelsberger edited this page Dec 8, 2024 · 37 revisions

This page describes how developers of this project can setup their Eclipse IDE accordingly.

Eclipse distribution

  1. Go to the Eclipse downloads page
  2. Download the latest Eclipse IDE package for your platform
  3. Unpack the archive into your favorite directory
  4. Start the eclipse executable inside this folder
  5. Choose a workspace directory and check remember this to avoid the same question next time

Add required features from Eclipse update sites

Eclipse Update site

  1. Help > Install New Software...
  2. Select site: 2024-12 -
  3. Select the following features:
    • EGit (git support)
    • MWE2 (Modeling Workflow Engine 2)
    • EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework)
    • Xtend 2
  4. Finish
  5. Wait until all components have been downloaded together with their dependencies
  6. Accept the licenses to start the actual installation
  7. A dialog pops up suggesting to restart, answer with Yes

Checkout project files

Generator project

  1. Open git perspective Help > Open Perspective ... > Git Repository Exploring ...
  2. If you have write access: click on the fourth button in the view: Clone a Git Repository and add the clone to this view
    • URI: ssh://
    • Protocol: ssh
    • User: git, no password
  3. If you do not have write access: create a fork and clone it afterwards
  4. Enter user and password in the popup being displayed
  5. Ensure that master is selected and click on Continue
  6. Choose a local directory for storing the repository and click on Finish
  7. Wait until the repository has been cloned
  8. Right click on the cloned repository and select Import Projects...
  9. Select Import Existing Projects and expand the Working Directory entry
  10. Select desired projects: import only org.zikula.modulestudio.generator

Meta model project

  • Git URI: ssh://
  • Import the de.guite.modulestudio.mostdsl bundle

Generate meta classes from meta model

  1. Navigate to de.guite.modulestudio.mostdsl/src in your Eclipse project explorer
  2. Right-click the GenerateMostDsl.mwe2 file and select Run as -> MWE2 Workflow

Test run a generator workflow

  1. In org.zikula.modulestudio.generator/src/org/zikula/modulestudio/generator/workflow/ there are several workflows for different use cases.
  2. The workflow msManualTesting.mwe2 is intended for manual executions. Edit this file and let it point to your model file.
  3. Start the generator by right-clicking this workflow file and choosing Run As ... > MWE2 Workflow.