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Installation of development environment
Axel Guckelsberger edited this page Jul 21, 2017
37 revisions
This page describes how developers of this project can setup their Eclipse IDE accordingly.
- Go to the Eclipse downloads page
- Download the latest Eclipse Standard 4.7 (Oxygen) package for your platform (Classic SDK)
- Unpack the archive into your favourite directory
- Start the eclipse executable inside this folder
- Choose a workspace directory and check remember this to avoid the same question next time
- Help > Install New Software...
- Select site: Oxygen - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/oxygen
- Select the following features: * EGit (git support) * MWE2 (Modeling Workflow Engine 2) * EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) * Xtend 2
- Finish
- Wait until all components have been downloaded together with their dependencies
- Accept the licences to start the actual installation
- A dialog pops up suggesting to restart, answer with Yes
- Open git perspective Help > Open Perspective ... > Git Repository Exploring ...
- If you have write access
* Click on the fourth button in the view: Clone a Git Repository and add the clone to this view
- URI: ssh://[email protected]/Guite/MostGenerator.git
- Protocol: ssh
- User: git, no password
- If you do not have write access * Create a fork * Clone your fork
- Enter user and password in the popup being displayed
- Ensure that master is selected and click on Continue
- Choose a local directory for storing the repository and click on Finish
- Wait until the repository has been cloned
- Right click on the cloned repository and select Import Projects...
- Select Import Existing Projects and expand the Working Directory entry
- Select desired projects: import only org.zikula.modulestudio.generator
- Git URI: ssh://[email protected]/Guite/MostTextual.git
- Import the de.guite.modulestudio.mostdsl bundle
- Navigate to de.guite.modulestudio.mostdsl/src in your Eclipse project explorer
- Right-click the GenerateMostDsl.mwe2 file and select Run as -> MWE2 Workflow
- In org.zikula.modulestudio.generator/src/org/zikula/modulestudio/generator/workflow/ there are several workflows for different use cases.
- The workflow msManualTesting.mwe2 is intended for manual executions. Edit this file and let it point to your model file.
- Start the generator by right-clicking this workflow file and choosing Run As ... > MWE2 Workflow.