A light weight Python gRPC transport layer gateway with tornado named c3po.
This is a light weight Python gRPC gateway. A simple transform layer. Translate gRPC protobuf objects to JSON objects.
Sometimes we are using gRPC and protobuf, but for Web and other language which not support gRPC, we could use this simple transport layer.
Just look into the examples folder.
Use method option.
syntax = "proto3";
+ import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
+ extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions {
+ MO mo = 50006;
+ }
+ message MO {
+ string method = 1;
+ }
message HelloRequest {
string say = 1;
message HelloResponse {
string reply = 1;
service SimpleService {
rpc Hello(HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse){
+ option (mo).method = "GET";
Right now we could run gen_code.sh
. We get server_pb2.py
. But C3PO could not transform gRPC/Protobuf Project to HTTP/JSON. We have to create a gRPC client to connect with server.
The best way is load client codes dynamic.
If we have a gRPC service called A, we need to have A server and A client.
C3PO load A client dynamic and call client function by using A client.
from c3po.server import Server, Stub
app = Server()
stub = Stub()
stub.name = 'hello'
# load client py from path
stub.client_import_type = 'path'
stub.client_module_path = (CURRENT_DIR + '/grpc/client.py')
stub.client_module_name = 'client'
# this means client.get_client()
stub.get_client_func = 'get_client'
stub.server_pb2_import_type = 'path'
# Python get method option is hard
# right now read option from server_pb2
stub.server_pb2_module_name = 'server_pb2'
stub.server_pb2_module_path = (CURRENT_DIR + '/grpc/server_pb2.py')
# we could regist multi stub
print('running server on')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
folder has grpc server and grpc clientexamples
folder has c3po server
We have two way to load the client
- import client from module
- import client from path
This is in develop.
Contact me at [email protected]