HDDcoin 1.2.6
- Updated HDDcoin from v1.2.5 to v1.2.6, which incorporates upstream Chia v1.2.6 updates and fixes, including an important fix that address a resource bug with nodes. v1.2.6 fixes the memory utilization issue related to how the node handles compact VDFs generated from blueboxes. It prevents a node from consuming excessive memory when many Bluebox Timelords are active on the chain. Please update to this new version at the earliest convenience.
- Adjusted plot refresh parameter to improve plot loading times.
- Fixed issues with reloading plot files detected as bad (this can happen during plot copying).
- Updated to BLS 1.0.6.
- Updates to the Rust conditions parser.
Issue No. 1: GUI sometimes stuck at startup on fresh install.
Caused by: SSL Initialization issues.
Solution / Workaround: Add Peers manually through the CLI or re-launch the application and add peers through the GUI if issue persists.
You can install HDDcoin by building from source, or by using the latest binaries for your operating system.
(A.) To install from available binaries, download executables from the correct Releases page:
- for pool farming with FoxyPool (OG), get them here ->
https://github.com/felixbrucker/hddcoin-blockchain/releases - for solo farming, get them here ->
(B.) To build from source, do the following:
# Update / Upgrade OS
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
# Install Git
sudo apt install git -y
# Checkout the correct source (either for pool or solo farming)
## for pool farming with FoxyPool (OG), use this source ## ->
git clone https://github.com/felixbrucker/hddcoin-blockchain.git
## for solo farming, use this source ## ->
git clone https://github.com/HDDcoin-Network/hddcoin-blockchain.git
# Install the Blockchain
cd hddcoin-blockchain
sh install.sh
. ./activate
hddcoin init
# Install and run the GUI
sh install-gui.sh
cd hddcoin-blockchain-gui
npm run electron &
If the client does not find any connections automatically, you can add any of the following:
- introducer.hddcoin.org / Port: 28444
- dns-introducer.hddcoin.org / Port: 28444
- node-1.hddcoin.org / Port: 28444
- node-2.hddcoin.org / Port: 28444
You can update HDDcoin from a previous version by downloading and installing the latest executable for your operating system, available from the correct Releases page, as described above, or by building from source:
# Checkout the source and update
cd hddcoin-blockchain
. ./activate
hddcoin stop -d all
git fetch
git checkout main
git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD --recurse-submodules
sh install.sh
. ./activate
hddcoin init
# Update the GUI
cd hddcoin-blockchain-gui
git fetch
cd ..
chmod +x ./install-gui.sh