This is an experimental application to genereate a C# library to access Genesys Cloud API.
Important: This code is NOT created or maintained by Genesys.
The goal is to create a SDK with
- run on .NET6 an above
- use third party packages as less as possible
- use standard logging mechanism (Microsoft.Extensions.ILogger)
At the moment it only generates a .NET project and source files.
To build the application clone the repo and run from the main directory dotnet publish -c Release -r <rid>
where <rid>
is the runtime identifier.
For possible RIDs see Using RID.
Alternatively you could generate a nuget package and install it as a dotnet tool. For this run dotnet pack ApiGenerator.csproj -c Release -p= PublishSingleFile=false -o <output directory>
Example: dotnet pack ApiGenerator.csproj -c Release -p= PublishSingleFile=false -o ./nuget
To install the tool for your project call dotnet new tool-manifest
to create a manifest file and then install the tool with dotnet tool install --add-source <package location> ApiGenerator
where 'package location' is the path to the created nuget package or the URL, where the package is uploaded.
Example: dotnet tool install --add-source .\Genesys-ApiGenerator\nuget ApiGenerator
The generation of the API project works in 3 steps. To check changes in the downloaded data, the names of all genereated files contain the year and week of the dates, when they are generated: yyyy-ww with yyyy: the year and ww: the ISOWeek
- Run
ApiGenerator readswagger -h <hostname>
- hostname: The host to download the swagger file (example:
Example: ApiGenerator -h
This will download the swagger file from, stores it in publicapi-v2-{build}.json and generate the description files.
- The type information of notification events are not part of the swagger file. To get this informaten run
ApiGenerator readnotification --clientId <cliendId> --clientSecret <clientSecret> --environment <environment>
- clientId: The client id for the request.
- clientSecret: The clientSecret for the request.
- environment: The environment to get the information from (Example:
Example: ApiGenerator readnotification --clientId ************** --clientSecret ******************** --environment
This will login with the given credentials get the list of available topics from the api and store them in notificationSchema-{yyyy-ww}.json
and generates the description file notifications-{yyyy-ww}.json
in the current directory.
After this, the following files are generated in the currect directory:
- publicapi-v2-{yyyy-ww}.json: The swagger file downloaded from Genesys.
- apis.json-{yyyy-ww}: The definition of the api calls parsed from swagger file.
- models-{yyyy-ww}.json: The definition of the data models parsed from the swagger file.
- notificationSchema-{yyyy-ww}.json: The definitons of the topic data read from Genesys (step 2, see avove)
- notifications-{yyyy-ww}.json: The notification data parsed from the topic data.
- To generate the the SDK code run
ApiGenerator generate -t <target folder> [ --namespace <ApiNamespace>]
- target folder: The folder, where the project is created.
- namespace (optional): The namespace of the generated code. Default: GenesysCloud.Client.V2
Example: ApiGenerator generate -t D:\MyProjects\GenesysApi --namespace MyNamespace
This will read the description files (api-.json, models-.json and notifications-*.json) and gerenate the SDK files in the target folder.
Alternatively you could run all steps at once with ApiGenerator all -h <hostname> --clientId ************** --clientSecret ******************** --environment -t <target folder> [ --namespace <ApiNamespace>]
To generate the SDK run dotnet build -c Release
from target folder.
To use the api in a simple console app:
- Create an instance of
which holds the client id, client secret and the environment for the api access. - Create an instance of
. - Create an instance of the API you want to use.
- Use the api.
Attention: You should not have credential values in your code. This is for demonstration only. In your application read it from a secure place (e.g. KeyVault).
GenesysCloudCredentials credentials = new GenesysCloudCredentials() {
ClientId = "<Enter your client id here>",
ClientSecret = "<Enter your client secret here>",
Environment = "<The environment of your organisation>" // e.g.,, etc.
ConnectionManager connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(credentials);
UsersApi usersApi = new UsersApi(connectionManager);
var users = await usersApi.GetUsers();
Console.WriteLine("Users: " + users.Entities?.Count());
You could also use the API in your service or Web app with DI:
HostApplicationBuilder builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder(args);
// Read the credentials into configuration
// Register ConnectionManager
// Register the APIs you want to use
// Register your service
using IHost host = builder.Build();
To use the API add it to the constructor of your service:
public MyService(UserApi userApi, ...)
To use notifications initialize an instance of Notifications
with ConnectionManager
and optional logger as described above.
Notifications notifications = new(connectionManager);
Create a channel to receive notification events:
var channel = await notifications.CreateChannel();
Register an event handler to receive notifications (Example user presence):
channel.NotificationReceived += (e) => {
switch (e) {
case PresenceEventV2UserPresence pe:
Console.WriteLine($"{pe.NotificationUserId}: {pe.PresenceDefinition?.SystemPresence}");
Console.WriteLine("Unexpected event " + e.GetType().Name + " received");
Subscribe a notification (Example user presence of user 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000):
await channel.SetTopics(new List<ChannelTopic>() { new ChannelTopic() { Id = "v2.users.00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.presence" } });
This open a websocket connection to receive the notifications.
Use AddTopics
to add additional topics to the subscription. Use SetTopics
to replace the list of topics in the subscription with a new one.
Call channel.DeleteTopics()
or notifications.RemoveChannel
to stop the receive of notifications and stop the underlying websocket.
To find the available topics and the corresponding NotificationEvent
classes have a look at NotificationChannelTopicMap.cs