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API generator for Genesys Cloud API

This is an experimental application to genereate a C# library to access Genesys Cloud API.

Important: This code is NOT created or maintained by Genesys.

The goal is to create a SDK with

  • run on .NET6 an above
  • use third party packages as less as possible
  • use standard logging mechanism (Microsoft.Extensions.ILogger)

At the moment it only generates a .NET project and source files.

To build the application clone the repo and run from the main directory dotnet publish -c Release -r <rid> where <rid> is the runtime identifier. For possible RIDs see Using RID.

Alternatively you could generate a nuget package and install it as a dotnet tool. For this run dotnet pack ApiGenerator.csproj -c Release -p= PublishSingleFile=false -o <output directory>.

Example: dotnet pack ApiGenerator.csproj -c Release -p= PublishSingleFile=false -o ./nuget.

To install the tool for your project call dotnet new tool-manifest to create a manifest file and then install the tool with dotnet tool install --add-source <package location> ApiGenerator
where 'package location' is the path to the created nuget package or the URL, where the package is uploaded.

Example: dotnet tool install --add-source .\Genesys-ApiGenerator\nuget ApiGenerator

The generation of the API project works in 3 steps. To check changes in the downloaded data, the names of all genereated files contain the year and week of the dates, when they are generated: yyyy-ww with yyyy: the year and ww: the ISOWeek

  1. Run ApiGenerator readswagger -h <hostname> with:
  • hostname: The host to download the swagger file (example:

Example: ApiGenerator -h

This will download the swagger file from, stores it in publicapi-v2-{build}.json and generate the description files.

  1. The type information of notification events are not part of the swagger file. To get this informaten run ApiGenerator readnotification --clientId <cliendId> --clientSecret <clientSecret> --environment <environment> with:
  • clientId: The client id for the request.
  • clientSecret: The clientSecret for the request.
  • environment: The environment to get the information from (Example:

Example: ApiGenerator readnotification --clientId ************** --clientSecret ******************** --environment

This will login with the given credentials get the list of available topics from the api and store them in notificationSchema-{yyyy-ww}.json and generates the description file notifications-{yyyy-ww}.json in the current directory.

After this, the following files are generated in the currect directory:

  • publicapi-v2-{yyyy-ww}.json: The swagger file downloaded from Genesys.
  • apis.json-{yyyy-ww}: The definition of the api calls parsed from swagger file.
  • models-{yyyy-ww}.json: The definition of the data models parsed from the swagger file.
  • notificationSchema-{yyyy-ww}.json: The definitons of the topic data read from Genesys (step 2, see avove)
  • notifications-{yyyy-ww}.json: The notification data parsed from the topic data.
  1. To generate the the SDK code run ApiGenerator generate -t <target folder> [ --namespace <ApiNamespace>] with:
  • target folder: The folder, where the project is created.
  • namespace (optional): The namespace of the generated code. Default: GenesysCloud.Client.V2

Example: ApiGenerator generate -t D:\MyProjects\GenesysApi --namespace MyNamespace

This will read the description files (api-.json, models-.json and notifications-*.json) and gerenate the SDK files in the target folder.

Alternatively you could run all steps at once with ApiGenerator all -h <hostname> --clientId ************** --clientSecret ******************** --environment -t <target folder> [ --namespace <ApiNamespace>]

To generate the SDK run dotnet build -c Release from target folder.


Console app

To use the api in a simple console app:

  1. Create an instance of GenesysCloudCredentials which holds the client id, client secret and the environment for the api access.
  2. Create an instance of ConnectionManager.
  3. Create an instance of the API you want to use.
  4. Use the api.

Attention: You should not have credential values in your code. This is for demonstration only. In your application read it from a secure place (e.g. KeyVault).


GenesysCloudCredentials credentials = new GenesysCloudCredentials() {
    ClientId = "<Enter your client id here>",
    ClientSecret = "<Enter your client secret here>",
    Environment = "<The environment of your organisation>" // e.g.,, etc.
ConnectionManager connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(credentials);

UsersApi usersApi = new UsersApi(connectionManager);

var users = await usersApi.GetUsers();
Console.WriteLine("Users: " + users.Entities?.Count());

With dependecy injection

You could also use the API in your service or Web app with DI:


HostApplicationBuilder builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder(args);

// Read the credentials into configuration

// Register ConnectionManager

// Register the APIs you want to use

// Register your service

using IHost host = builder.Build();

To use the API add it to the constructor of your service:

public MyService(UserApi userApi, ...)


To use notifications initialize an instance of Notifications with ConnectionManager and optional logger as described above.

Notifications notifications = new(connectionManager);

Create a channel to receive notification events:

var channel = await notifications.CreateChannel();

Register an event handler to receive notifications (Example user presence):

channel.NotificationReceived += (e) => {
    switch (e) {
        case PresenceEventV2UserPresence pe:
            Console.WriteLine($"{pe.NotificationUserId}: {pe.PresenceDefinition?.SystemPresence}");
            Console.WriteLine("Unexpected event " + e.GetType().Name + " received");

Subscribe a notification (Example user presence of user 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000):

await channel.SetTopics(new List<ChannelTopic>() { new ChannelTopic() { Id = "v2.users.00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.presence" } });

This open a websocket connection to receive the notifications.

Use AddTopics to add additional topics to the subscription. Use SetTopics to replace the list of topics in the subscription with a new one.

Call channel.DeleteTopics() or notifications.RemoveChannel to stop the receive of notifications and stop the underlying websocket.

To find the available topics and the corresponding NotificationEvent classes have a look at NotificationChannelTopicMap.cs.


C# API generator for Genesys Cloud CX API






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