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Metanome Developer Guide

Vincent Schwarzer edited this page Dec 7, 2016 · 27 revisions

General rules for Metanome Developer:

  1. We are working with feature branches: Create a branch for each issue/feature you are working on.
  2. Delete branches, which are not used anymore.
  3. Reference the issue you are working on in your commits.
  4. Follow the coding style guidelines.
  5. Write useful commit messages! What have you done? Explain, why the change was necessary.
  6. Write comments for all important classes and methods.
  7. Test first!
  8. Write a short summary for your pull requests.
  9. Pull request should be reviewed and merged by another person.
  10. Push often, so that other developers can see and review your progress.

Metanome Frontend Submodule

The Metanome Frontend repository is included in the Metanome Frontend as an git submodule into the Metanome project directory frontend/src and is maintained separately.

If changes are made to the Metanome Frontend the submodule reference has to be updated to the current HEAD of the Metanome Frontend repository using.

Work in progress

Metanome API

The documentation of the API of Metanome is written in API Blueprint and can be found here.

Some useful links: