The PyQuEST-cffi project is no longer actively developed by HQS Quantum Simulations and the repository has been archived. Consider using qoqo with qoqo-quest instead.
PyQuEST-cffi is a python interface to QuEST based on cffi developed by HQS Quantum Simulations. QuEST is an open source toolkit for the simulation of quantum circuits (quantum computers).
PyQuEST-cffi provides an interactive python to QuEST interface based on cffi, mapping QuEST functions to python and executing them during runtime.
For more information see the detailed code documentation
Please note, PyQuEST-cffi is not an official QuEST project.
In the developing branches of QuEST the QuEST project has implemented a ctypes-based python interface QuestPy for unit testing.
Do not assume that any bugs occuring using PyQuEST-cffi are QuEST bugs unless the same bug occurs when compiling/using a QuEST c-program with the official release version of QuEST.
We do provide a PyPi source packages. The recommended way to install PyQuEST-cffi is
pip install pyquest_cffi
If you want to install PyQuEST-cffi in development mode we recommend
# PyQuEST-cffi add QuEST as a git submodule
git clone --recurse-submodules
pip install -e PyQuEST-cffi/