The Blue Monster is a prototype application for importing, managing, and exporting data encoded according to the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL). All code is in the Public Domain.
- Enable Apache2, PHP5, PostgreSQL, and the PHP PDO PostgreSQL driver on your system, and enable PHP support in Apache.
- Clone the Blue Monster code from GitHub into your web directory of choice (e.g. /srv/www/blue/).
- Create the directory views/templates_c within the Blue Monster distro, and ensure that its permissions allow the web server user to write to it (e.g. 1777).
- Enable the php5 and rewrite modules in Apache2.
- (Optional) set up an Apache VHOST pointing to the www/ directory inside the Blue Monster distribution.
- Create a new PostgreSQL user (e.g. "blue").
- Create a new PostgreSQL database (e.g. "blue"), and grant the "blue" user access to it.
- Copy config/SAMPLE.database.php to config/database.php and fill in your database connection information.
- Assuming that your current Ubuntu user has access to the blue database, change into database/ and run the shell script to set up a BlueMonster database.
Started by David Megginson, UN OCHA, 2014-07-03