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David Megginson edited this page Dec 7, 2016 · 1 revision

libhxl current uses row queries for the hxlselect command-line script, and the with_rows() and without_rows() filters, but will likely extend them to other uses in the future. The query selects a row by combining a tag pattern with an operator and a value, like this:


This query selects every row where the value "unicef" (case-insensitive) appears in a column that matches the tag pattern "org+name" (note that the tag pattern omits the initial '#' — it is optional in queries and most other places that tag patterns appear.)


The following operators are available:

Operator Description Example
= The value appears in a column matching the tag pattern. org+name=unicef
!= The value does not appear in a column matching the tag pattern. status+code!=completed
< The content of the column is numerically or lexically less than the value provided. targeted<300
<= The content of the column is numerically or lexically less than or equal to the value provided. population+f<=20000
> The content of the column is numerically or lexically great than the value provided. population+f>20000
>= The content of the column is numerically or lexically great than or equal to the value provided. contact+name>=m
~ The content of the column matches the [regular expression]( provided.
!~ The content of the column does not match the regular expression provided. status!~^(planned|completed)$


  • Matching is always case-insensitive: org=UNICEF and org=unicef will match the same rows.
  • The leading # is optional in the tag pattern: org=red cross and #org=red cross will match the same rows.
  • Strings are always complete matches; regular expressions can match just part of the content (use ^ and $ to constrain to a full match).
  • Leading and trailing whitespace is always removed, and remaining whitespace, normalised, before matching.