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Survey Creator App

  • This site is live here.

  • Github Repository link.

Features of the Project

  • Frameworks or Languages:

  1. NodeJS is used for building Backend part of this Website.
  2. MongoDB used for Database to store data.
  3. ExpressJS is used as Backend Framework.
  4. Materialize-CSS is used for CSS Framework and the website is Responsive for all Devices.
  5. ChartJS is used for Charting the responses and Data.

  • Authentication for Users:

  1. PassportJS is used for Authentication purpose.
  2. Two types of Strategy is used in this Website. (viz. [Local Strategy] and [Google oAuth Strategy]).
  3. User can Register via Google or by submitting Email and Password as Standard Login.

  • Survey Create and Manage:

  1. Only logged in user can create a Survey.
  2. Completely newly created Survey will have no question on it initially
  3. Only Survey owner can added question to Survey.
  4. Only survey owner can view the analysis of his survey.
  5. Only those surveys show on Public Surveys section which has atleast one question.
  6. In My Surveys section an user can view all of his surveys.
  7. There have total 7 types of feedback Question (eg. Multiple Choice, Yes/No, slider, Select Many, Like-Dislike, Emoji Feedback, Star Rating etc. and also has a Comment Box feature.)
  8. In User Dashboard, an user can Delete , Update and Add Question to a Survey.

  • Analysis of Survey

  1. ChartJS is used for charting the Data got from Responses of a Survey.
  2. Two types of Chart is used. One is Bar Chart and another is Doughtnut.
  3. Easily Understandable to all users.

  • Security

  1. Encrypt passwords with bcrypt
  2. Prevent cross site scripting - XSS using xss-clean.
  3. Prevent NoSQL injections using express-mongo-sanitize.
  4. Add a rate limit for requests of 50 requests per 10 minutes using express-rate-limit.
  5. Protect against http param polution using hpp.
  6. Add headers for security using helmet.
  7. Use CORS to make API public.

Run this Project on Local Environment.

  1. Prerequisites
    1. NodeJS installed on your machine
    2. MongoDB installed on your local machine or have an Atlas Account.
    3. Google API keys for Google OAuth-Authentication
  2. Credentials Setup
    1. Create a MongoDB Atlas Account for Host this Project Online. Find Tutorials here.
    2. Setup and Enable Google API keys for OAuth. Find Tutorials here
  3. Project Setup
    1. Clone this Repository or Download the zip File.
       >> git clone
    2. Create a new file named default.json on config directory.
    3. In default.json file put all secret Credentials. (In following Format)
          "sessionSecret": "<Session Secret for Passport Authentication>",
          "mongoURI": "<MongoDB Atlas URI or Local MongoDB URI>",
          "googleClientSecret": "<Google Client Secret>",
          "googleClientID": "<Google Client ID>",

Website Preview

  • Home Page ( Describe the features )

  • Login and Resgister Page ( For Authenticating Users ).

  • Public Surveys Page ( Show all surveys which atleast have one Question ).

  • My Surveys Page ( Show all of your Surveys either it has atlest one Question or not ).

  • Dashboard ( User can manage all CRUD operation here in one single page).

  • Add Question Page ( Add Question to a particular Survey ).

  • Preview and Response Page ( Show the particular survey with all of its Questions ).

  • Analysis Page ( Show analysis of responses and Charts for a particular Survey ).

Made Withby Nilanjan Deb


The Survey Creator App made by NODE JS






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  • HTML 63.4%
  • JavaScript 27.3%
  • CSS 9.3%