Configuration of the device is done using the console
Using the console
mosquitto_sub -h "" -t "test/esp"
mosquitto_pub -h '' -m "123412341234 " -t "test/esp"
MQTT log publish topic: lpatiny/Beemos/hive1 MQTT publish topic: lpatiny/Beemos/hive1/a MQTT subscribe topic: lpatiny/Beemos/hive1/q
mosquitto_sub -h "" -t "lpatiny/Beemos/hive1/a/+"
mosquitto_pub -h '' -m "h" -t "lpatiny/Beemos/hive1/q"
allows to setup the device information. This is a numeric number between 66*256+65
and 66*256+90
(16961 to 16986).
- index - 4 bytes
- epoch - 4 bytes
- 26 parameters * 2
- event - 2 bytes
- eventParameters - 2 bytes
1024 * 1024 bytes for log 16384 logs entries
export PATH=$PATH:~/.platformio/penv/bin
printf("Restarting now.\n");
You may have to add pyserial:
sudo pip3 install pyserial
Read device info:
python3 $IDF_PATH/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --port /dev/cu.usbserial-A5XK3RJT flash_id
Read partition table
python3 $IDF_PATH/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --port /dev/cu.usbserial-A5XK3RJT read_flash 0x8000 0xc00 ptable.img
We can now check the content of the ptable.img
python3 $IDF_PATH/components/partition_table/ ptable.img
Here is an example of the result:
# Espressif ESP32 Partition Table
# Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags
Create a folder at the first level called data
To upload the data
pio run --target uploadfs
pio run -t upload --upload-port square.local pio run -t uploadfs --upload-port square.local
npm i --global loadtest
loadtest -n 1000 -c 4
BZ: Layout model CA: 0 (RGB), 1 (BRG) CB: bit 0: day, bit 1: night CC: Allows to turn on before or after sunset (in minutes) CD: Allows to turn off before or after sunrise (in minutes) CE,CF,CG,CH,CI,CJ,CK,CL: schedule actions (change of intensity) <0 no action, (day minutes / 15) << 8 + intensity
CC-30: 30 minutes before sunset CD30: 30 minutes after sunrise
CE: ((60 / 15 * 22)<<8) + 16 = 22544 at 10PM reduce the intensity to 16 CF: ((60 /15 * 7)<<8) + 255 = 7423 at 7AM intensity to max
Full power in the evening but reduce at 10PM and turn off at 12PM Turn on in the morning at 5AM but not too strong CB2,-30,30,16639,22544,0,5136
- 16639: at 16h we set brightness to max
- 22544: at 22h we set brightness to 16
- 0: at 0h we set brightness to 0
- 5136: at 5h we set brightness to 16
We don't use sunrise / sunset but fixed time
- 16416: at 16h we set brightness to max 32
- 18464: at 18h we set brightness to 32
- 22536: at 22h we set brightness to 8
- 0: at 0h we set brightness to 0
- 5128: at 5h we set brightness to 8
- 7200: at 7h we set brightness to 32
- 9216: at 9h we set brightness to 0