1.1 Ubuntu and ROS
Ubuntu 20.04. ROS Noetic, please google it.
1.2. Dependency
Eigen 3.3.4 + OpenCV 4+ Cere-solver: Ceres Installation, remember to sudo make install.
1.3. Pretrained model
Download pretrained model the pretrained model and unzip the model to "hawp/src/outputs/hawp"
Clone the repository and catkin_make (# note that you will create a new workspace named catkin_polvio):
mkdir -p ~/catkin_polvio/src
cd ~/catkin_polvio/
source devel/setup.bash
git clone https://github.com/HanqianSi/POL-VIO.git
source devel/setup.bash
Download EuRoC MAV Dataset.
run in the ~/catkin_polvio/
roslaunch polvio_estimator euroc_fix_extrinsic.launch
Now you should be able to run POL-VIO in the ROS RViZ.
Download corridor Dataset
run in the ~/catkin_polvio/
roslaunch polvio_estimator corridor_fix_extrinsic.launch
Note that: Different CPU and GPU maybe yield different results. Therefore, we suggest you test or compare methods on your machine by yourself.
Point-Line Visual-Inertial Odometry with Optimized Line Feature.
This paper is developed based on PL-VIO [1], VINS-Mono [2], PL-VINS[3] and EPLF-VINS[4].
[1] PL-VIO: Tightly-coupled monocular visual-inertial odometry using point and line features
[2] VINS-mono: A robust and versatile monocular visual-inertial state estimator
[3] PL-VINS: real-time monocular visual-inertial SLAM with point and line features
[4] EPLF-VINS: real-time monocular visual-inertial SLAM with efficient point-line flow features
If you find aforementioned works helpful for your research, please cite them.