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File metadata and controls

473 lines (348 loc) · 15.8 KB

What's New?

  • Enhanced Metrics Collection: Docker now supports Prometheus metrics scraping, offering improved monitoring capabilities
  • Streamlined Visualization: Docker and Kubernetes integrate with Grafana to provide dynamic visualization of collected metrics
  • Kubernetes graph type customization and resource data processing
  • Bug Fixes
  • Refactored code for additional modularity and customization


  • Distributed tracing enabled across microservice applications
  • Supports PostgreSQL and MongoDB databases
  • Displays real-time temperature, speed, latency, and memory statistics
  • Display and compare multiple microservice metrics in a single graph
  • Monitor an Apache Kafka cluster via the JMX Prometheus Exporter
  • Monitor Docker and Kubernetes clusters via a Prometheus monitoring server and display charts using Grafana

Using Chronos

The following steps should be performed in each microservice you want to track unless otherwise noted.

Install Chronos Tracker

Install the package as a dependency in each of the microservices you want to track:

npm install @chronosmicro/tracker

Configuring Chronos Tracker

Create a .js Chronos configuration file (hereby referred to as chronos-config.js), which exports a JavaScript object with required Chronos configuration parameters. This object will be used as the sole Chronos class constructor argument. Feel free to use a .env file to hold sensitive parameters like the database URI, for example.

// A sample `chronos-config.js` file

module.exports = {
  // General Configuration
  microservice: 'my-service',
  interval: 10000,

  // Database Information
  database: {
  connection: 'REST',   // 'REST' or 'gRPC'
  type: 'MongoDB',      // 'MongoDB' or 'PostgreSQL'
  URI: '<insert URI>',  // <insert URI>

  // (a) Microservices
  mode: 'microservices',
  dockerized: false,  // false or true

  // (b) Kubernetes
  mode: 'kubernetes',
  promService: 'prometheus-service',
  promPort: 8080,
  grafanaAPIKey: process.env.CHRONOS_GRAFANA_API_KEY,

  // (c) Apache Kafka
  mode: 'kafka',
  jmxuri: '<insert URI>',

  // (d) Docker
  mode: 'docker',
  promService: 'docker.for.mac.localhost',
  promPort: 9090,
  grafanaAPIKey: process.env.CHRONOS_GRAFANA_API_KEY,


  // Notifications
  notifications: [],

Then utilize the chronos-config.js file into your application by importing it and using it as the Chronos class constructor argument:

const chronosConfig = require('./chronos-config.js');
const Chronos = require('@chronosmicro/tracker');
const chronos = new Chronos(chronosConfig);

Chronos Configuration Parameters

See mode-specific configuration descriptions in the "Chronos Tracker for Microservices" section

The microservice property takes in a string. This should be a descriptive name for your microservice.

  • Important For Dockerized microservices, this field must match the container_name of the corresponding Docker container.

The interval property is optional and takes in an integer. This controls the Chronos monitoring frequency. If this is omitted, Chronos will default to recording server health every 60000 ms or 60 seconds.

The database property is required and takes in the following:

  • connection is a string that should should be either 'REST' or 'gRPC'
  • type should be a string and only supports 'MongoDB' and 'PostgreSQL' at this time
  • URI should be a connection string to the database where you intend Chronos to write and record data regarding health, HTTP route tracing, and container infomation

The mode property accepts a string that can either be 'microservices', 'kubernetes', 'kafka', or 'docker'. There are other settings that depend on the mode choice, so these are broken down in the "Chronos Tracker for Microservices" section.

The notifications property is an array that can be optionally left empty. It allows developers to be alerted when the server responds to requests with status codes >= 400. To set up notifications, set the value of the notifications property to an array of objects, each with a type and settings property.

Chronos only supports Slack and email notifications at this time.


// ...
notifications: [
    type: 'slack',
    settings: {
      slackurl: process.env.WEBHOOK
// ...

Chronos uses the Slack API to send messages to a Slack channel and only requires the webhook url. Learn how to set up Slack webhooks for your team.


// ...
notifications: [
    type: 'email',
    settings: {
      emails: '[email protected], [email protected]',
      emailHost: '[email protected]',
      emailPort: 465,
      user: process.env.SENDER_EMAIL,
      password: process.env.SENDER_PASSWORD
// ...

Chronos provides the option to send emails. The properties that should be provided are the following

  • emails - The recipient list (string) can be a single email address or multiple as comma seprated values.
  • emailHost - The smtp host (string) of your email server
  • emailPort - The email port (integer) is either 465 or 587 depending on the sender email security settings. Learn more about email ports by reading the nodemailer docs
  • user - The email address (string) of the sender
  • password - The password (string) of the sender email

NOTE: Email notification settings may require alternative security settings to work

Chronos Tracker for "Microservices" Mode

The mode microservices uses the additional setting dockerized, which indicates whether or not the microservice has been containerized with Docker. If omitted, Chronos will assume this server is not running in a container, i.e. dockerized will default to false.

Setting the flag to false will collect metrics from the host computer directly, while true indicates for Chronos to pull metrics from the Docker daemon.

// Excerpt from a chronos-config.js

module.exports = {
  // ...

  mode: 'microservices',
  dockerized: false,  // false or true

  // ...

Once your chronos-config.js file is setup, use Chronos in your microservice by importing the config, creating a new instance of the class, and calling the Chronos.track method to start saving health metrics:

const chronosConfig = require('./chronos-config.js');
const Chronos = require('@chronosmicro/tracker');
const chronos = new Chronos(chronosConfig);

If you are using an Express.js REST API, calling Chronos.track() returns middleware that allows users to track incoming network requests and outgoing their corresponding outgoing responses by marking them with unique IDs using Chronos.propagate.

If you want to utilize this feature, setup a catchall route that will serve as a pass through for tracking and chain in the middleware from Chronos.track.

const chronosConfig = require('./chronos-config.js');
const Chronos = require('@chronosmicro/tracker');
const chronos = new Chronos(chronosConfig);


const app = express();

const trackingMiddleware = chronos.track();
// Pass all requests through this middleware, which always calls next() to allow all requests to continue on to match other routes
app.use('/', trackingMiddleware); 

Special Notes on Dockerized Microservices

IMPORTANT: Give your containers the same names you pass in as arguments for microservice names.

In order to have container statistics saved to your database along with other health info, bind volumes to this path when starting up the containers:


For example, you can type the following when starting up a container:

docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock [your-image-tag]

If you're using docker-compose to start up multiple containers, you can add a volumes key for each of your services in the docker-compose.yml file:

  - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"

Chronos Tracker for "Kubernetes" Mode

Chronos can monitor an Kubernetes clusters by saving metric data from instant queries to a Prometheus server in your Kubernetes cluster.

In chronos-config.js, set the mode to kubernetes and pass it both the name of the port the Prometheus server is listening on INSIDE the cluster, and the name of the Prometheus service so that its IP address can be resolved using KubeDNS.

Also add a grafanaAPIKey section, this API key will grant chronos access to create and update dashboards in Grafana.

// Excerpt from a chronos-config.js

module.exports = {
  // ...

  mode: 'kubernetes',
  promService: 'prometheus-service',
  promPort: 8080,

  grafanaAPIKey: process.env.CHRONOS_GRAFANA_API_KEY,

  // ...

Then, insert the code below into a SINGLE microservice that will be deployed only as a SINGLE pod (to avoid saving the same metrics as queried by multiple pods), call Chronos.kuberbetes:

const chronosConfig = require('./chronos-config.js');
const Chronos = require('@chronosmicro/tracker');
const chronos = new Chronos(chronosConfig);


Chronos Tracker for "Kafka" Mode

Chronos can monitor an Apache Kafka cluster via JMX to Prometheus Exporter. In order for this feature to work you must be running JMX to Prometheus Exporter either as a Java Agent with your cluster or as a standalone HTTP server. Then, use chronos-config.js to specifiy where to retrieve the metrics.

To start, set the mode to kafka and add the property jmxuri to the object in chronos-config.js. The jmxuri property should be a string whose value is the URL and port specified for scraping when starting the exporter.

// Excerpt from a chronos-config.js

module.exports = {
  // ...

  mode: 'kafka',
  jmxuri: 'http://localhost:12345/metrics',

  // ...

Then, in ONE AND ONLY ONE of your microservices, call Chronos.kafka:

const chronosConfig = require('./chronos-config.js');
const Chronos = require('@chronosmicro/tracker');
const chronos = new Chronos(chronosConfig);


When viewing your information in the Chronos Electron application the data will be available in the service "kafkametrics"

NOTE: We provide a jmx_config.yaml file in the Chronos root folder for use with JMX prometheus that provides some useful baseline metrics to monitor.

Chronos Tracker for "Docker" Mode

Chronos monitors Docker containers by storing metric data through instant Prometheus queries within your Docker container environment.

In chronos-config.js, configure the mode parameter to docker. Additionally, provide the name of the port where the Prometheus server is actively listening inside the container, and specify the name of the Prometheus service to enable DNS-based resolution of its IP address.

Also add a grafanaAPIKey section, this API key will authorize Chronos for dashboard creation and updates in Grafana.

// Excerpt from a chronos-config.js

module.exports = {
  // ...

  mode: 'docker',
  promService: 'docker.for.mac.localhost',
  promPort: 8080,

  grafanaAPIKey: process.env.CHRONOS_GRAFANA_API_KEY,

  // ...

Then, implement the subsequent code snippet within a SINGLE microservice that will be deployed only as a SINGLE container, and call Chronos.docker:

const chronosConfig = require('./chronos-config.js');
const Chronos = require('@chronosmicro/tracker');
const chronos = new Chronos(chronosConfig);


Chronos Tracker for gRPC

To monitor your gRPC server, setup chronos-config.js as if it was a standard microservices example, but be sure to set the connection type to gRPC.

module.exports = {
  microservice: 'my-service',
  interval: 10000,

  // Database Information
  database: {
  connection: 'gRPC',   // 'REST' or 'gRPC'
  type: 'MongoDB',      // 'MongoDB' or 'PostgreSQL'
  URI: '<insert URI>',  // <insert URI>

  mode: 'microservices',
  dockerized: false,  // false or true

  // ...

Then require in the chronos-config.js and Chronos and call Chronos.track to start tracking health metrics.

  // Example of gRPC server
const chronosConfig = require('./chronos-config.js');
const Chronos = require('@chronosmicro/tracker');

const chronos = new Chronos(chronosConfig);

const server = new grpc.Server();

server.bindAsync("", grpc.ServerCredentials.createInsecure(), () => {
  console.log("Server running at");

To trace requests, first wrap the gRPC client using Chronos:

const grpc = require('@grpc/grpc-js');
const protoLoader = require('@grpc/proto-loader');

const PROTO_PATH = './order.proto';

const packageDefinition = protoLoader.loadSync(PROTO_PATH, {
  keepCase: true,
  longs: String,
  enums: String,
  arrays: true,
const OrderToBookService = grpc.loadPackageDefinition(packageDefinition).OrderToBook;
const bookClient = new OrderToBookService('localhost:30044', grpc.credentials.createInsecure());

const ClientWrapper = chronos.ClientWrapper(bookClient, OrderToBookService);

Next wrap the gRPC server using Chronos

  const ServerWrapper = chronos.ServerWrapper(server,  Proto.protoname.service, {
    AddBook: (call, callback) => {
    // console.log(call.metadata)
    // get the properties from the gRPC client call
      const { title, author, numberOfPages, publisher, bookID } = call.request;
    // create a book in our book collection
      callback(null, {});

For any request you wish to trace, require uuidv4 and write the following code where the initial gRPC request begins,

const require { v4: uuidv4} = require('uuid')
const createMeta = () => {
  const meta = new grpc.Metadata();
  meta.add('id', uuidvd());
  return meta

and then, invoke createMeta as a third argument to any client method that is the beginning of the request path.

    (err, data) => {
      if (err !== null) {
        // could not add order because bookID does not exist
        return res.sendStatus(404);
      console.log('addOrder response: ', data);
      return res.sendStatus(200);

Finally, on all servers that will be involved in the request path, invoke with parameters of client and ServerWrapper in the server wrapper., ServerWrapper);

Viewing Chronos Data

Once you have configured and intialized Chronos Tracker, it will automatically record monitoring data when your servers are running. The data will be saved into your database of choice, and then start the Chronos desktop app to view by cloning our GitHub repo. Folow the ReadMe in that repo to setup the Chronos desktop app.


We provide working example microservice applications in Chronos desktop app repo in the examples folder.


  • Electron
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Node
  • Express
  • HTTP
  • gRPC
  • Docker
  • Apache Kafka
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes


Chronos hopes to inspire an active community of both users and developers. For questions, comments, or contributions, please submit a pull request.

Read our contributing README to further learn how you can take part in improving Chronos.



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