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A python package with tools to download and analyse development data. These tools are meant to be the building blocks of further analysis.


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The bblocks package

bblocks is a python package with tools to download and analyse development data. These tools are meant to be the building blocks of further analysis.

We have built bblocks to support our work at ONE, but we hope that it will be useful to others working with development data. We welcome feedback, feature requests, and collaboration.

bblocks is organised around the following main features:

  • Import tools to help with import data from:

    • The World Bank (building on the wbgapi package)
    • The IMF World Economic outlook (building on the weo package)
    • The IMF data on Special Drawing Rights
    • The World Food Programme (WFP) data on food security and inflation
    • The FAO (notably the price index)
    • The UNDP Human Development Report data
    • UNAIDS
    • The WHO Government Health Expenditure data
  • Cleaning tools to help with:

    • Cleaning numbers/numeric series
    • Transforming country identifiers (ISO2, ISO3, WB, UN, etc., building on the country_converter package)
    • Transforming text to datetime objects, and datetime objects to text
    • Formatting numbers as text (percentages, millions, billions, etc.)
  • Analysis tools to help with:

    • Calculating period averages
    • Calculating the change from one period to another
  • DataFrame tools to help with:

    • Adding a population column to a DataFrame
    • Adding a "share of population" / "per capita" column to a DataFrame
    • Adding a population density column to a DataFrame
    • Adding a GDP column to a DataFrame
    • Adding a "share of GDP" column to a DataFrame
    • Adding a poverty ratio column to a DataFrame
    • Adding a government expenditure column to a DataFrame
    • Adding a "share of government expenditure" column to a DataFrame
    • Adding a "World Bank income level" column to a DataFrame
    • Adding a column with short country names to a DataFrame
    • Adding a column with ISO3 codes to a DataFrame
    • Adding the median observation of a group
    • Adding a column with geojson geometries to a DataFrame
  • Other tools like:

    • Dictionaries mapping ISO3 codes (and vice-versa) to
      • OECD DAC codes
      • WB income groups
      • geojson geometries
      • G7, EU27, G20 countries
      • Income levels
      • Life expectancy
      • Population

More information is available:


bblocks can be installed from using pip

pip install bblocks --upgrade

The package is compatible with Python 3.10 and above.

Basic usage

To get started, import the package. It is strongly recommended that you specify the path to the folder where you want to store the data.

You only have to do this once per file/notebook.

from bblocks import set_bblocks_data_path

# Set to the folder you want

All the examples below assume that you have done this.

Importing data from the World Bank

from bblocks import WorldBankData

# create a WorldBankData object. This object will allow you
# to download indicators from the World Bank and get them as DataFrames
wb = WorldBankData()

# For example to get "primary completion rate" (SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS) from 2010 to 2020.
# If the data is not already in your data folder, it will be downloaded

# Get the data as a DataFrame
df = wb.get_data()

# Print a sample of 10 rows

The above would return a DataFrame like this:

date iso_code indicator_code value
2010-01-01 LMC SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS 87.753189
2012-01-01 SWZ SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS 84.697472
2013-01-01 NAM SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS 93.020042
2012-01-01 PAK SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS 63.486210
2015-01-01 LIC SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS 63.463470
2016-01-01 BGD SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS NaN
2019-01-01 SYR SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS NaN
2013-01-01 NAC SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS 99.025703
2011-01-01 AND SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS NaN
2013-01-01 GRL SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS NaN

You can also get the latest data (most recent non-empty observation) for one or more indicators:

from bblocks import WorldBankData

# create a WorldBankData object.
wb_data = WorldBankData()

# Load the indicators. If they are not downloaded, they will be
    indicator=["SH.XPD.CHEX.PC.CD", "SH.XPD.CHEX.GD.ZS"],

# Get the data as a DataFrame
df = wb_data.get_data(indicators="all")

# Print a sample of the data

This would return a DataFrame like this:

date iso_code indicator_code value
2019-01-01 HRV SH.XPD.CHEX.PC.CD 1040.085693
2019-01-01 ERI SH.XPD.CHEX.GD.ZS 4.458767
2019-01-01 JAM SH.XPD.CHEX.PC.CD 327.403534
2019-01-01 MYS SH.XPD.CHEX.PC.CD 436.612030
2019-01-01 BHS SH.XPD.CHEX.GD.ZS 5.749775
2015-01-01 YEM SH.XPD.CHEX.PC.CD 73.176743
2019-01-01 PER SH.XPD.CHEX.PC.CD 370.109955
2019-01-01 IDA SH.XPD.CHEX.PC.CD 52.076285
2019-01-01 ERI SH.XPD.CHEX.PC.CD 25.267935
2019-01-01 WLD SH.XPD.CHEX.PC.CD 1115.008730

In all cases, if you had already downloaded the data and you want to update it you can call .update_data() after loading the data in order to refresh it.


Importing data from UNAIDS

from bblocks import Aids

# create an Aids object. This object will allow you
# to download indicators from UNAIDS and get them as DataFrames
aids = Aids()

# To view all the indicators that can be downloaded using this tool
# you can use the `.available_indicators` property

Her are the first 10 indicators, but over 50 are available:

indicator category
0 Trend of new HIV infections Epidemic transition metrics
1 Trend of AIDS-related deaths Epidemic transition metrics
2 Incidence:prevalence ratio Epidemic transition metrics
3 Incidence:mortality ratio Epidemic transition metrics
4 People living with HIV - All ages People living with HIV
5 People living with HIV - Children (0-14) People living with HIV
6 People living with HIV - Adolescents (10-19) People living with HIV
7 People living with HIV - Young people (15-24) People living with HIV
8 People living with HIV - Adults (15+) People living with HIV
9 People living with HIV - Adults (15-49) People living with HIV
# to load/download indicators, you can use the `.load_data` method
# you can also specify whether to download "country", "region", or "all"
    indicator="Trend of AIDS-related deaths",

# get the data as a DataFrame
df = aids.get_data()

# print a sample of 10 rows
area_name area_id year indicator dimension value
Global 03M49WLD 2013 Trend of AIDS-related deaths All ages estimate 1.061395e+06
Latin America UNALA 2021 Trend of AIDS-related deaths All ages estimate 2.916500e+04
Middle East and North Africa UNAMENA 2018 Trend of AIDS-related deaths All ages lower estimate 4.089657e+03
Western & Central Europe and North America UNAWCENA 2019 Trend of AIDS-related deaths All ages estimate 1.305140e+04
Caribbean UNACAR 2021 Trend of AIDS-related deaths All ages lower estimate 4.213485e+03
Middle East and North Africa UNAMENA 2021 Trend of AIDS-related deaths All ages upper estimate 6.867407e+03
Western & Central Europe and North America UNAWCENA 2016 Trend of AIDS-related deaths All ages upper estimate 1.771698e+04
Western & Central Europe and North America UNAWCENA 2020 Trend of AIDS-related deaths All ages upper estimate 1.632782e+04
Eastern Europe and Central Asia UNAEECA 2017 Trend of AIDS-related deaths All ages upper estimate 4.553729e+04
Latin America UNALA 2020 Trend of AIDS-related deaths All ages upper estimate 4.577862e+04

As with other bblocks tools, you can also get multiple indicators at once (see the WorldBank example).

In all cases, if you had already downloaded the data and you want to update it you can call .update_data() after loading the data in order to refresh it.


Importing SDR data from the IMF

# Import the SDR object from the sdr module of "import_tools"
from bblocks.import_tools.sdr import SDR

# Create an SDR object
sdr = SDR()

# To view the latest date for which data is available,
# call the `.latest_date()` method

# To download the latest data

# To get the data as a DataFrame. You can specify getting a 
# specific indicator by using 'indicator'. In this case,
# we'll get holdings (allocations are also available)
df = sdr.get_data(indicator="holdings")

# Print a sample of 10 rows
entity indicator value date
Samoa holdings 1.584296e+07 2023-01-31
Iraq holdings 3.301367e+07 2023-01-31
Lao People\'s Democratic Republic holdings 5.870183e+07 2023-01-31
Haiti holdings 9.169516e+07 2023-01-31
Bahamas, The holdings 1.245326e+08 2023-01-31
Total holdings 6.606989e+11 2023-01-31
Libya holdings 3.187335e+09 2023-01-31
Namibia holdings 1.783556e+08 2023-01-31
Tajikistan, Republic of holdings 1.891507e+08 2023-01-31
Malta holdings 2.499760e+08 2023-01-31

In all cases, if you had already downloaded the data and you want to update it you can call .update_data() after loading the data in order to refresh it.


Adding World Bank income levels to a DataFrame

For this example, we will continue using the SDR data as above.

from bblocks import add_income_level_column

# We can add the column by passing the dataframe to the function

df = add_income_level_column(
    id_type="regex",  # so the text can be matched to the right country

Which adds the income level column:

entity indicator value date income_level
Montenegro, Republic of holdings 7.404593e+07 2023-01-31 Upper middle income
Gambia, The holdings 5.857020e+07 2023-01-31 Low income
Suriname holdings 1.211070e+08 2023-01-31 Upper middle income
Syrian Arab Republic holdings 5.636629e+08 2023-01-31 Low income
Iran, Islamic Republic of holdings 4.976198e+09 2023-01-31 Lower middle income
Uruguay holdings 6.330507e+08 2023-01-31 High income
South Africa holdings 4.424154e+09 2023-01-31 Upper middle income
Nigeria holdings 3.755370e+09 2023-01-31 Lower middle income
Dominican Republic holdings 4.498683e+08 2023-01-31 Upper middle income
Trinidad and Tobago holdings 7.722810e+08 2023-01-31 High income

An optional argument can be passed to the function to redownload the income classification data from the World Bank.

df = add_income_level_column(

Adding a GDP share column to a DataFrame

For this example, we will continue working with data on military expenditure downloaded using the World Bank tool.

# First import the function from the `add` module of `dataframe_tools`
from bblocks.dataframe_tools.add import add_gdp_share_column
from bblocks import WorldBankData

# this data is in local currency units
df = WorldBankData().load_data(indicator="MS.MIL.XPND.CN", most_recent_only=True).get_data()
date iso_code indicator_code value
2021-01-01 BDI MS.MIL.XPND.CN 1.351000e+11
2014-01-01 YEM MS.MIL.XPND.CN 3.685000e+11
2021-01-01 AFG MS.MIL.XPND.CN 2.304000e+10
2021-01-01 PER MS.MIL.XPND.CN 9.086000e+09
2021-01-01 AUS MS.MIL.XPND.CN 4.229595e+10
# Then call the function, passing the DataFrame and the column name
df = add_gdp_share_column(
    date_column="date",  # to match the gdp values with the year of the data
    usd=False,  # since the data is in local currency units
    include_estimates=True,  # to include official data and IMF estimates for GDP


Which returns a dataframe with an extra column "gdp_share".

date iso_code indicator_code value gdp_share
2021-01-01 GIN MS.MIL.XPND.CN 2.406750e+12 1.5
2014-01-01 ARE MS.MIL.XPND.CN 8.356800e+10 5.6
2021-01-01 NGA MS.MIL.XPND.CN 1.783120e+12 1.0
2021-01-01 GNQ MS.MIL.XPND.CN 9.439700e+10 1.4
2021-01-01 ISL MS.MIL.XPND.CN 0.000000e+00 0.0
2021-01-01 ESP MS.MIL.XPND.CN 1.652680e+10 1.4
2021-01-01 BHR MS.MIL.XPND.CN 5.194000e+08 3.6
2021-01-01 GEO MS.MIL.XPND.CN 9.723000e+08 1.6
2021-01-01 MDA MS.MIL.XPND.CN 9.144000e+08 0.4
2013-01-01 LAO MS.MIL.XPND.CN 1.782500e+11 0.2

Cleaning a numeric series which contains numbers with text

Sometimes dataframes contain columns which don't have clean text. For example, something like

iso_code value
0 USA 10%
1 GBR +12%
2 FRA 13.4%
3 DEU %14.3
4 ITA 15.3 %
5 ESP 16%
6 CAN 17%
7 JPN 18%
8 AUS 19%
9 CHN 20%

bblocks can help clean that data.

from bblocks import clean_numeric_series

df['value'] = clean_numeric_series(
    to=float  # or if dealing with integers, use to=int

Returns a clean version of the data

iso_code value
0 USA 10.0
1 GBR 12.0
2 FRA 13.4
3 DEU 14.3
4 ITA 15.3
5 ESP 16.0
6 CAN 17.0
7 JPN 18.0
8 AUS 19.0
9 CHN 20.0


Interested in contributing to the package? Please reach out.


A python package with tools to download and analyse development data. These tools are meant to be the building blocks of further analysis.







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