With Arkē Chat you can create your own disposable chatroom, invite other people to chat with you and not worry about anyone else snooping into your conversation. Nothing is saved. ;)
Read More at https://arkechat.live
I don't really have any idea either.
I think when you open the app, you get redirected a newly created room under a random id number, where you can invite other peers to join said room.
The room is created using Socket.io rooms.
Messages are sent through web socket requests.
- Socket.io
- Express
- Socket.io Client
- Tabler Icons
- React Linkify
- React ClipBoard
- React Router Dom
- React QRCode
- Sass
Setup locally
First clone the repo as shown below.
$ git clone https://github.com/Hasala2002/arke.git
And then go into the directory;
$ cd arke
Install dev dependencies with Yarn or NPM, I recommend Yarn
$ yarn install
$ npm install
Start Server
$ yarn run dev
$ npm run dev
Go to http://localhost:5173 to view the local deploy. Edit and save files, then refresh to reload updates.